How far would you go to get revenge?
When Chelsea Givens discovered that her ex-boyfriend Drew dumped her to be with her former best friend Lizzie, she'd never felt so betrayed in her life. Then her new friend Shannon tells her she can help set things right. Chelsea's willing to listen, but what Shannon wants her to believe -- that she shared a past life with Drew -- is impossible. And what she wants her to do to get him back … well, it's downright crazy.
Could Shannon be telling the truth? And if she is, what lengths will Chelsea go if it means making Lizzie pay?
Find out in Vengeance, the second part of the Transcend Time Saga.
*Vengeance is the short story that bridges the events in Remembrance and the final novel in the Saga
My Review QQQQ 4/5
Let's start by saying Hell Hath No Fury Like a Woman Scorned.
Vengeance is book two in the Transcend Time Saga. And is told by Chelsea's POV rather then Lizzy's. Which I liked a lot gave me a real good insight on how Chelsea was feeling. I would like to say I really wanna feel bad for Chelsea but she does not make it easy. Chelsea is out for revenge which I get but she is doing it for all the wrong reasons. She only wants to hurt Drew and Lizzy well mostly Lizzie her ex best friend. I do not think she loves Drew. I think she is being selfish. I think she only wants Drew just to have him and it is not like Drew and Lizzie set out to hurt Chelsea on purpose. Drew and Lizzie's love well was written in the the stars and fate has brought them back together in another time and place. Chelsea is out to hurt Lizzie at any cost and it seems she will get her way when Shannon yet once again gets involved by taking Chelsea to see her aunt. Upon meeting Shannon's aunt Chelsea discovers she was reincarnated . Chelsea is now out for revenge in the worst way. With the little help she received from Shannon's aunt she might get what she wants. Sorry Guys No Spoilers Here. At the end I couldn't believe it was over. It left me wanting more. I am looking forward to reading the final installment in the Transcend Time Saga
Happy Reading !!!!!!!
Same thoughts when I finished Vengeance! I went "No nononononoono!!!" Looking forward to the last book. Thanks for sharing your review. :)
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I would love to hear your thoughts. :) HAPPY READING !!!!