The Secret Clock Society has infiltrated every aspect of the government. You can’t hide from them, you can’t out run them—the only choice is to surrender or die fighting. Well, Summer’s found her voice and her confidence. She’ll fight if necessary, but for now she’s on the run. And the only place that can offer her refuge is the one city that’s been devastated with disease and death. Full of savages, Forsaken Harbor holds her life on the edge of a knife. Is there still hope to be found here after all? Or will survival mean savagery?
This series is awesome. a read that will pull at your heartstrings but well worth it. I absolutely love this series and I am looking forward to reading more of summer’s story.
we are introduced to summer waverly in phantom universe. a book about human trafficking, modern day pirates, and time travel.
in phantom universe we learn that summer waverly is different. she was not born but created by the secret clock society. a society that is creating altered humans in the hopes of taking over everything. when they created summer they also created a boy (julian). summer and julian are human time machine's. they where created to travel into the future and bring back information on the technologies the future has. when summer was four yrs old the society realized the was a glitch in her. they wanted to terminate her, but her caretaker (mum) mindy overheard their plans and tried to run away with her. summer was kidnapped by jag a slave trader the society hired to kidnapped her. jag got greedy and wanted more and when the society refused to give more money. jag sold summer to a pirate captain travis. summer lived with captain travis and his crew for 12 yrs before the society found her again. and she escapes.
forsaken harbor
forsaken harbor picks up not long after phantom universe ends.
forsaken harbor is a fast paced read from beginning to end. summer is still on the run from the society but is learning more and more about herself and is finally using her voice. summer is stronger then she initially gives herself credit for. in phantom universe we heard of julian but was not really introduced to him. that changes in forsaken harbor when julian saves summer’s life along with the lives of her friends when the society finds and breaches there safe place. in this book summer is the one that wants to save a life rather then be the one saved again but things take a turn and she finds herself being saved again by julian. while still on the run from the society. summer is determined to bring the society down.
laura has created fantastic characters that really develop and grow more and more throughout this series. that you can not help to love. laura has also created a world that is amazing. she has a way with her description that she just transport in right into that world like you are the one living it. I am looking forward to reading more installments in the summer chronicles. I can not wait to see how much more summer grows as a character and completely gains the confidence to use her voice all the time.
I always start with can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
I’m a published author who used to be a scientist, though I think my mind still reverts to my scientific brain sometimes. I like to travel and read. Obviously, though, my main passion is writing. I love creating new worlds and people, and I plan to do this the rest of my life.
1. When did you first start writing and when did you finish your first book?
I first started writing back in early 2009, and my first book, SHADOW OF THE SUN, was finished by the end of 2009.
2. Where do you get your ideas from?
Some scary and wild place in my head. The best ideas come from traveling, I think, but sometimes I just give myself some quiet time to think and . . . wala! A story forms.
3. Do you work with an outline or just write?
Sort of both. I like outlines because they make me feel like I know where I’m going in the story. But then I start to write and my characters and the story take over, and the next thing I know I’m having to change more than half my outline.
4. Is there any particular author or book that has influenced you in anyway either growing up or as an adult?
J.K. Rowling is my biggest influence because she wrote for herself and not for a publisher. She created and did what so many authors only dream of accomplishing: creating a believable world and characters.
5. What was your favorite part of the writing process for Forsaken Harbor?
Summer’s growth. I was able to take her silence and slave mentality and transform her into a strong-willed character. It was fun and liberating, and I can’t wait to write the next two books as she grows out of her silence.
6. Do you have any rituals or writing quirks?
Er, not that I can think of off the top of my head. I do, however, like to have my word document formatted as if it were going to the printers (even though it isn’t the word doc that goes to the printers), just so I can get a feel of how it will look on paper. It’s almost impossible for me to work without my document being formatted perfectly.
Now Just For FUN
Favorite Candy?
I’m not a big fan of candy or sugar, believe it or not. If I had to choose, I’d say white chocolate is my favorite.
Favorite Beverage?
Red Bull.
Favorite Season?
Fall, spring, or North Shore Hawaii weather. Haha.
Beach or Mountains?
Shoes or Barefoot?
Depends on the season, but mostly barefoot.
Night Owl or Early Bird?
Definitely a night owl.
Now to End Things
Is there anything that you would like to say to your readers and fans?
I always have something to say to readers and fans, and it usually starts with a big THANK YOU! Without my readers and fans, I would be nowhere. My stories wouldn’t have been created, they wouldn’t have the meaning they do now. Every time I receive a message from a fan or reader, I am deeply humbled that I had an impact on them, be it positive or negative.
places to find phantom Universe and forsaken harbor
Phantom Universae Goodreads
Phantom Universe Amazon
Phantom Universe Barnes and Noble (BN)
Phantom Universe Smashwords
Forsaken Harbor Goodreads
Forsaken Harbor Amazon
Forsaken Harbor Barnes and Noble (BN)
Forsaken Harbor Smashwords
Places to find laura
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Laura's Website
Happy Reading !!!!
this sounds like an awesome read. can't wait to ck it out.
This sounds good. THX for sharing.
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