Author: Rachael Wade
Series: The Resistance Trilogy (Book 2)
Publisher: Rabbit Hole Press
Edition: E~Copy
Source: For Honest Review and Part of the Blog Tour


Goodreads Synopsis
Getting There is Half the Battle...
Armed with more unsettling knowledge about Gavin Devereaux and her circle of friends, Camille Hart is faced with new adversities and lethal propositions when she returns to the Amaranth exile to carry out Gavin’s risky crusade.
Realizing her journey through the bayou was only the beginning of her struggle to stay with Gavin, she finds that leaving her Louisiana home is the least of her worries. New evils await her on the other side, and as she and her friends press on with their mission, they are confronted with the reality that everything doesn't always go according to plan. As secrets unfold and alliances are formed and broken, only the strongest will survive and the power of love will be tested when a war between witches, humans, and vampires erupts into an all-out power struggle and all is on the verge of being lost.
My Thoughts
The Gates picks up right where Amaranth left off. The Gates is a little bit darker read then Amaranth, but there is no slow parts. Cam and Gav are heading to Amaranth to over throw Samira which may not be as easy as said. They lead a small resistance into Amaranth and Samira’s Castle and try bidding time until the remaining part of the resistance makes it there during the next crescent moon. Little did they know they had a traitor in their mist. A real devil in disguise for most. The Gates is a nonstop full of adventure and action with twist and turns that will keep you on the edge of your seat I know it did me. I had trouble putting this book down to do daily chores. Rachael has created two beautiful worlds and cast full of awesome characters. I can not wait to see what Rachael has in store for us in the next and final installment in The Resistance Trilogy: The Tragedy of Knowledge.
You can find my review of Amaranth here.
Guest Post
- Song: Mouth (Remix)
- Artist: Bush
- Tour Date: 4/19/12
- Venue: Samira’s Castle
- Scene Snapshot: A colossal showdown at Samira’s castle leads to big changes for Gavin and those he loves.
- Anthem: You gave me this, made me give
Your silver grin, still sticking it in
You have soul machine, soul machine
You have broken in me, broken me
All your mental armor drags me down
Nothing hurts like your mouth, mouth, mouth
Getting There is Half the Battle...
Armed with more unsettling knowledge about Gavin Devereaux and her circle of friends, Camille Hart is faced with new adversities and lethal propositions when she returns to the Amaranth exile to carry out Gavin’s risky crusade.
Realizing her journey through the bayou was only the beginning of her struggle to stay with Gavin, she finds that leaving her Louisiana home is the least of her worries. New evils await her on the other side, and as she and her friends press on with their mission, they are confronted with the reality that everything doesn't always go according to plan.
As secrets unfold and alliances are formed and broken, only the strongest will survive and the power of love will be tested when a war between witches, humans, and vampires erupts into an all-out power struggle and all is on the verge of being lost.
Places to Find Rachael
Visit RachaelWade.com and connect with her here:
Twitter @RachaelWade
Facebook Fan Page
GoodReads Author Page
YouTube Video Page
Places to Find The Gates
Amazon Kindle Edition
Amazon Paperback Edition
Barnes and Noble (B&N)

Thank you for the great post, Anna. I appreciate your time and support!
Much love,
Awesome post, Anna. I do love your blog. I do own these two books and they are awesome. Amaranth also made it on the top 100 best paid list on Amazon. Congratulations Rachael.
I really enjoyed book one and am so looking forward to The Gates. Thank you for sharing and participating in the tour :)
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