Title: Charade
Author: Cambria Hebert
Series: Heven and Hell (#2)
Publisher: Otherworld Publications
Release Date: May 2012
Edition: Ecopy
Source: Author for honest review and book blog tour.

Goodreads Synopsis
Dying at the hands of a psycho was a shock. Having my life returned to me by an angel was incredible. Being named a Supernatural Treasure and being given Sam as my guard was pretty darn awesome. Acquiring a debt for it all—well, I should have seen it coming.
Now here we are, fighting demons from Hell, caring for a boy that I just don’t trust, and traveling to faraway places to return a treasure to its rightful place. Nothing is as it seems. Everyone wears a mask; everyone puts on a charade. It’s up to us to separate the truth from the lies and reality from fiction. A hard task when my new reality involves fallen angels, witches and dragons… and did I mention Hell?
Anchoring me down through it all is Sam. Sam, who must face tragedies of his own and is put to the test again and again.
If we fail in our task, life as we know it—life as you know it—will end. Forever.
My Thoughts
This is book 2 in the Heven and Hell Series but you can safely read without book 1 and not be lost. Cambria weaved together a really good story with awesome kick-ass characters. This book was a little slow in comparison to Masquerade to me but still good. I kept anticipating Sam and Heven’s trip to Italy but the trip there was short lived. I am eagerly waiting for the next installment in this series.
Sam and Heven face even more demons once they have the scroll in there possession. And later on we encounter for then just demons. We meet witches, fallen angels, and a dragon. OOOOOOOOOOOOO MMMMMMMMMYYYYYYYYYYYY
Cambria has a way with words. It is like her writing just compels you to read into the wee hours of the night and forget life out side of her world does not exist.
Now onto the interview with the sweet Cambria.
Author. Blogger. Latte Sipper.
Cambria Hebert is an author who wrote her first book at the age of fifteen. It was terrible. But the passion for writing never went away so years later when she opened her laptop and started typing she worked until she wrote a book – Masquerade - that she hopes everyone will be as excited about as she is.
Cambria is obsessed with werewolves and is terrified of chickens (they are creepy!) She is an animal lover that would choose coffee over food and her favorite TV show is the Vampire Diaries (Hell-O Damon!)
When she isn’t writing you can find her stalking the young adult aisles at Barnes and Noble.
Could you please tell us a little bit about yourself?
No. I don’t want anyone to know anything about me. Think of me as a writing, silent ninja… kidding. That would be weird. LOL!
A little about me:
Name: Cambria Hebert (my mother thought about naming me Echo… can you see that on a book cover?! Lol)
Favorite color: Hard call. I like pumpkin orange, apple green, purple, aqua…
Occupation: Taxi driver, cook, maid, nurse, book keeper, volunteer = Mother. LOL. I also write.
Favorite food: Lattes
1. What would your dream cast be for the Heven and Hell Series?
Dream cast… that’s hard because I have such a definite picture of my characters in my head that finding someone to fit that is hard. But I do have a few people in mind:
Heven: Hayden Panettier
Sam: a fan favorite is: Shiloh Fernandez. I also like: Zac Efron and Cam Gigadnet
Cole: Randy Wayne
Logan: Max Thieriot
Gemma: Vanessa Hudgens
Kimber: Emma Roberts
2. If someone wrote a book about your life what would the title be called and why that title?
Cambriaville. LOL. I can be a rather… spacey person. I live inside my head a lot and often don’t always notice what is going on around me. My husband says that I go off to “Cambriaville”.
3. What is your favorite way to spend a rainy day?
I have a few favorites for rainy days. Writing is one, I always write the best in the rain. I also like to watch movies and read.
4. What Character did you enjoy writing the most? Least?
I really enjoy writing Sam. He is probably the most challenging character I have written but I really love getting to know him. Least favorite? I’m not sure I have a least favorite. To me, they all play a role in the book and series and I like getting to know them because of that.
5. Most challenging part of writing? Rewarding?
The most challenging part about writing isn’t really the writing, lol. It’s finding time to write. Promoting takes a lot of my time, it can be very overwhelming. Balancing writing, marketing, emailing, and family life is really challenging. Somedays I feel like I have to choose which one of things will get my attention while the others don’t.
The most rewarding thing is being able to hold my books and see my accomplishment. Also, the fans. They are so great. I get emails and FB messages that really make my day. People that go out of their way to tell me how much they love my books and writing really makes me happy and makes everything feel worth it.
6. Who are some of your favorite authors?
Gena Showalter, R.L Stine and Cynthia Hand
7. Have you ever thought of branching out and writing in another genre?
I consider writing for children, middle grade. I have also thought about writing for adults but I will most likely always write fantasy. It’s my passion.
8. Who has been your biggest inspiration?
I don’t know if it’s been any one person. I think there are a lot of things and people around me that inspire me. Inspiration can come from anything and anyone from a song to a photo. My husband and children inspire me, I want to be successful so I can show my kids that any dream you have is possible. Books inspire me as well.
9. Can you share your typical writing day. Is there anything you have to have while writing?
A typical writing day for me starts with me taking my kids to school and then coming home. I will make sure the house is picked up a bit then make some hot tea and sit down with my laptop. I check my email and usually post to Facebook then I start to write. I usually write as long as I can as long as the words are coming. Then about noon or so I will get up from the computer and work out – usually I get on my treadmill to run. I like to do that because I have been sitting for too long at the computer and this kind of clears my head. Then I shower and if I have time I will write a little more or answer emails then I have to go get my kids from school. After that the writing is hit or miss. I have dinner to make, homework to supervise, etc. Usually at night I will write some more if I can, if not I just watch TV and let my brain rest. J Is there anything I have to have while writing? I really love hot tea, so I definitely need that. Otherwise, I don’t need much but my imagination! J
10. How do you react to a bad review?
Depending on the review, sometimes I get upset and vent to my husband but usually I try to tell myself that it’s someone’s opinion and they are entitled to it. I really don’t like when they say they want to punch one of my characters… that bothers me. I guess because the characters are like real people to me and I wouldn’t want to see them hurt, LOL. I don’t expect everyone to like my book (I hope they will) and that’s okay, I just hope they can be nice about saying so. J
11. What is something people would be surprised to know about you?
I have a degree in Cosmetology. In school I would have to give these pedicures to older ladies that had some… interesting toe nails – okay they were nasty toes. I used to dunk my hands in bleach when I was done… it’s probably why I write now instead of style hair and do nails. LOL.
12. If you could ask yourself any interview question. What would you ask, and how would you answer it.
I would ask myself: *clears throat* Do you ever write in your underwear?
Answer: Why yes, I do.
Ok, seriously…
I would ask myself: Looking back on your first book and even Charade. Do you have any regrets? Would you do anything different?
Answer: I wouldn’t do anything different. I am proud of my books and my characters and I stand behind them. I think that everything I did has lead me to where I am today and I think it’s a good place to be. I am so happy to be published and see my dream come true that I can’t regret anything about the journey. Even the hard parts. J
Places to Stalk Cambria
Her Site
You Tube
Places to find Charade
Barnes and Noble (B&N)
Cambriaville kind of catchy. Let's make a Facebook game called that. Is a latte really considered a food? Writing in your underwear? Who know. Great interview!
I love your interview!! You seem like an awesome lady Cambria!
Thank you for the wonderdul tour stop! I enjoyed reading your review and thoughts on Charade. Your interview questions were really thought provoking and I thought uite a few of them were unique! I appreciate the time and thought you put into your post and review. I love the design on your blog as well! Thanks again!
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