Author: Chloe Neill
Series: Chicagoland Vampires
Genre: Adult/ Urban Fantasy
Publisher: New American Library
Release Date: November 1st 2011
Edition: Audio

Goodreads Synopsis :
Clouds are brewing over Cadogan House, and recently turned vampire Merit can't tell if this is the darkness before the dawn or the calm before the storm. With the city itself in turmoil over paranormals and the state threatening to pass a paranormal registration act, times haven't been this precarious for va
mpires since they came out of the closet. If only they could lay low for a bit, and let the mortals calm down.
That's when the waters of Lake Michigan suddenly turn pitch black-and things really start getting ugly.
Chicago's mayor insists it's nothing to worry about, but Merit knows only the darkest magic could have woven a spell powerful enough to change the very fabric of nature. She'll have to turn to friends old and new to find out who's behind this, and stop them before it's too late for vampires and humans alike.
So we delve into the 5th book in the Chicagoland Vampire books. All kinds of madness is happening around Chicago and of course the Vampires are under fire for their involvement. This is a typical theme in these books. Something happens; vampires blamed. I went into this book really excited, and to tell the truth I didn’t remain that way. I like listening to audiobooks because I get more of a feel for characters and storytelling. I found myself bored and falling asleep, but somewhere around the middle of the book I really really got into it! Merit of course is a badass as always, but is filled with sadness because
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Cadogan house is being investigated by the GP to make sure that it is up to snuff. I found this to be a useless part of the book that truly had no place. I know the GP was on everyone’s butts in the last book ,but It felt like it was put in there as a filler. The GP investigator limits blood and junk food for the people living in the house. Again it just felt useless. Nothing ever came to fruition with this storyline besides Merit just getting pissy all the time. The rest of the book was astounding once it picked up. I liked that Chloe Neill delved a little deeper into the supernatural world of Chicago. You feel like you are along for the ride with Merit as revelations persist to crop up on a steady basis. One thing I love about these books is the love for Chicago that Neill portrays. The characters love the city, and the reader in turn loves it too. I cheer at its victories and cringe at its defeats. Chloe Neill weaves this tangible alternate Chicago so beautifully. Merit shows how strong she is and how she is her own person, not just the sentinel of the house. She comes into her own. This book definitely has a few oh my god moments that gave me goosebumps. I can honestly say I was kept guessing to the very last moment—and not to sound cheesy, but I drank every bit of it deep. If you love these books as I do, this is an absolute must read!
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