Title : One Bite To Passion
Author: MaryLynn Bast
Publisher: Renaissance E Books
Published: May 18th 2012

Goodreads Synopsis
On a business trip to Japan, Paige has just found happiness with Casey, an exciting, young man with a passionate interest in Paige. After a night of wild sex, feels like a new woman. Drawn to Casey, Paige can’t refuse him even though he says he wants to possess her and she learns he is a vampire. Then Paige's unfaithful husband, Dalton, shows up. He has supposedly broken off his affair, but Paige suspects he is still seeing his mistress. Soon, Paige begins to notice disturbing things happening around her and discovers she has become the center of a battle between covens who consider her The Chosen One. But when she faces the greatest peril of her life, and Casey shows up to help, Page realizes she is willing fight the covens side-by-side with him, if it means the chance of a future with this vampire she has come to love.
My Thoughts
Marylynn just has a way with words she has once again transported me into another world that I really didn’t want to leave. I loved Paige she reminded me of myself in a way she was so self conscience about her appearance that so many women feel. Casey well he was just delicious and made me warm all over just reading what he was doing to Paige. I loved watching Paige come out of her shell the whole time being envious. I loved how the story just flowed. I am hoping this is a prequel to an up coming series since this is a short story. Because I truly would love to read more of Paige and Casey.

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