Title: Untouched
Author: Jus Accardo
Series: Denazen (1.5)
Publisher: Entangled Publishing
Release Date: March 28 2012
Edition: Kindle

Goodreads Synopsis
Until he met Dez, Kale’s days were filled with violence and death. He was used as a weapon of destruction by the power hungry men of Denazen. He’s a Six. A person with an abnormal ability. Some people call them gifts, but not Kale. Kale’s touch means instant death.
But now there’s Dez, the girl he can touch, and they’re hunting down Sixes and warning them about Denazen. Kale is learning about the world outside captivity and trying to put his dark past behind him. But they underestimated how badly Denazen wanted him back.
When Dez sacrifices herself to save the new Six they’d rescued from falling into the corp’s hands, Kale is lost. Denazen has brought out its best to get the job done. Samsen, a nightmare from Kale’s past—the only person he’s ever truly feared—has come for them, and it soon becomes obvious he has his own twisted agenda.
Kale will need all his training to get Dez back and ensure they make it out, free—and alive. But will it be enough?
My Thoughts
WOW loved reading from Kale’s POV. It was awesome seeing things through his eyes. This series just keeps getting better and better. Unfortunately this was to short and is leaving me craving Toxic.
We got to meet a new six and I liked Kiernan and I hope we get to see more of her in the future. She brought that extra little kick to this already fantastic series. If you are looking for a YA on the edge of your seat action adventure look no further Jus has created just the series for you.
I had the pleasure of interviewing the awesome Jus again. I originally interviewed her on my very first blog post on Oct 26 2011. When I was part of the Touch Tour, and it was a SQUEEEEE FANGIRL moment when I learned I would be able to talk with Jus again. So without further ado the Fantastic Jus is here to answer some more questions.
1 What would your dream cast be for the Denazen Series?
Dez – Avril Lavigne
Kale – The dude on the cover!!!
Alex – I’m on the fence. Suggestions? WOW that is a good question?
Ginger – Betty White
2 If someone wrote a book about your life what would the title be called and why that title?
Confessions of a socially awkward caffeine junkie… As for the why… trust me. The title says it all :D
3. What is your favorite way to spend a rainy day?
Working! Then again, that’s my favorite way to spend most days.
4 Is there a song that you could list as a theme for your book or any of your character's?
When I was writing TOUCH, I totally saw it as Horror Show by Powerman 5000. UNTOUCHED is totally Wicked Wonderland by Rev Theory. Most of the characters have their own songs too. Dez’s is one of my faves. Trouble by Pink J
5. Most challenging part of writing? Rewarding?
For me, the most challenging part of writing is walking away. I love what I do. So much, that sometimes I forget there’s a real world out there. I’ll blow everyone off for days if I’m working on something new. The fridge will go empty. The dog hair piles up and the dishes collect in the sink. Just like anything else in life, it’s about balance—and sometimes I forget that.
As for the rewarding parts… Knowing that I get to share these characters and stories with people is the most amazing feeling in the world.
6. Who are some of your favorite authors?
Rob Thurman, Kelley Armstrong, Rachel Vincent, LJ Smith, S.E Hinton, and Mary Stanton to name a few.
7. Have you ever thought of branching out and writing in another genre?
*whistles innocently*
8. If you could have one superpower what would you choose?
I really think I’d love to be able to talk to animals!
9. Have you done any research for the Denazen Series or is it all purely imagination?
Most of it was imagination, but I did go out and do some crazy things for Dez research. And since I’m not much of a heights person, these are things I will never do again…
10. How do you react to a bad review?
I ignore them. Unless someone goes out of their way to tag or tweet a review, I tend to ignore them all. Not every book is going to do it for every person.
Just For Fun
Favorite Place To Travel?
I’m not sure. I haven’t really traveled many places :D
Favorite Quote?
I’ve got waaay to many, but one of my faves is, If I don't write to empty my mind, I go mad. ~Lord Byron
Favorite Beverage?
Favorite Food?
Chicken Marsala
Favorite Candy?
PC or Mac?
Beach or Mountains?
Barefoot or Shoes?
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Places to find Jus
Places to find Untouched
Barnes and Noble (B&N)

Always willing to show some love ;)
Instead of caffeine junkie mine would simply be coffee junkie. I mean they make decaf for night time right?
lol I like my tea.
Stopping by to show some love <3
It really look like you have enjoyed reading the series. It shows in your review. :) Now I'm intrigued by the series and I'm going to give this series a go.
I can imagine the scene where Jus is absorbed in writing and everything else is not as orderly as it should be. It must really have felt great to keep on writing. Looking forward to wonderful works by the author.
I want to win one of these books. Really really really do. Thanks for offering them. That was a fantastic interview. Even if I don't win, I'm gonna have to get these books.
This is a really good series DEZ is a dare devil and Kale well Kale is just awesome and looks good too
I recommend this series to everyone.
I recently received some lovely book marks for this series and they are really nice. I have have Touch and Untouched on my wishlist and am so looking forward to the read. Thank you for taking the time to share with us today a little piece of you :)
Wow! Jus Accardo's books sound fab! Definitely on my to-read list! Thanx for the interview!
Jus is a fantastic writer and this series is fantastic.
I'm so excited to read this series - it's getting great reviews!
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