I would like to welcome the awesome Regan Walsh to the blog again with her Summer Blast Off Blog Tour with Whisper Cape. For today’s post Regan has given us in excerpt from one of my favorite scenes in Whisper Cape.
The lunch hour went by quickly and Addie was a jangle of nerves, her stomach a jumble of knots as her thoughts turned to spending an afternoon with Cael. But when he entered the bar at two o'clock looking just as handsome and rugged as he did yesterday, she was glad she had said yes.“Hello, Addison. Are you ready?”
She smiled as the knot in her stomach unraveled and fluttered. “Yes, just give me a second.”
Addie poked her head in the kitchen. Gerry looked up from where he was plowing through the sink full of dishes. Addie smiled. “I’m leaving. I’ll be back at five.”
Gerry nodded and went back to his mountain of dirty plates and cups.
Addie pulled on her coat and they walked out. “Your car or mine?”
“Yours, I don’t have one.”
“How can you not have a car?”
He shrugged. “I never needed one, I guess.”
“Hmmm.” Weird, she mused. “Well, how do you get around?”
“I manage.”
Addie grimaced, not quite understanding how anyone could get along without a car, especially out here on the west coast. Public transit was a bitch.
For once, the sun was out and the cab of the truck warm. Cael rolled down his window.
“So, where do you really live, permanently, I mean?”
“New York. I’m here on business and I don’t know how long it will take. The hotel is okay short term, but I need a place with a kitchen.”
“You cook?”
“Doesn’t every good-looking single guy?”
“You certainly are full of yourself, aren’t you?”
He grinned. “It was either learn to cook or starve to death. I do okay. I’m no Emeril Lagasse, but I can grill a pretty juicy steak.”
“A lot of guys cook; Jared’s pretty good.”
“Jared ... a boyfriend?” He raised an eyebrow.
“No, he’s just the cook at the Cliff Hanger and a friend.”
“This is it.” Cael pointed to the building on the left. “Just pull in here.”
She turned into a winding cobblestoned driveway heading toward the beach before dead-ending at a small two-story building. She glanced down at the keys in the ignition and grabbed them. When she turned to get out, she looked up, and to her amazement, he stood by her door, holding it open with his hand out for her. “Come on, the door should be unlocked.”
The house sat on a grassy hill about fifty feet from the cliff edge. The door was located on the other side, facing the ocean. He tried the knob, smiled at her, and opened the door.
She stood, looking out at the ocean. “Nice view.”
“Yes, it is … let’s see how it is from inside. Ladies first,” he said, sweeping his hand in front of him, pointing the way as he held the door open with the other.
“Wow, you’re going to rent a whole furnished house?” Addie asked as they entered the small but beautifully decorated home. They walked into a living room done in earth tones. A comfortable-looking sofa covered in a rich deep red leather was flanked by two chairs—one a rocker—and a marble-topped coffee table, all positioned to provide an inviting conversation area in front of a large, rustic rock fireplace. The other side of the room had a massive window spanning the entire wall, providing a breathtaking view of the ocean.
She walked over to the window and Cael stepped up beside her. “The view is gorgeous,” Addie muttered. “I wonder what the upstairs looks like.”
“Let’s find out.” Without hesitation, he grabbed her hand and pulled her along with him as he raced up the stairs.
“Hey, wait a minute,” Addie protested, but it was too late. They were already halfway up. Addie gasped as she took in the spacious loft-style area. The whole upstairs consisted of one large room with another gigantic picture window overlooking the ocean, and a bathroom the size of her entire apartment—with the most inviting-looking bathtub—sporting its own window with another picturesque view of the sea.
“This place is spectacular,” Addie said.
They stood, still holding hands, facing a magnificent view as they watched the ocean crash against the side of the cliff that jetted out to a point. A long stretch of white sandy beach sprawled impressively to the side of it, and in the other direction, there was a small cove with a long staircase leading down the side of the rocks to the water, the whole scene just begging for explorers.
As they stood mesmerized by the view, Cael’s fingers tightened around her hand. Heat rose in her chest and she wondered if he was going to kiss her.
“Beautiful, isn’t it? The voice came from somewhere by the top of the stairs, jerking them both out of their trance. They turned around to see who could be disturbing their magnificent moment of tranquility and saw a short man with sandy colored hair and a broad smile on his face standing by the top of the staircase.
“They say if you stand out at the edge of the cape you can hear the dead whisper. Perhaps that's why they named this town Whisper Cape. I'm Tom Willits. You must be Cael.”
Regan is offering a signed print copy to one lucky US winner. Just feel out the Rafflecopter below for your chance to win this goodread.
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Thanks for the lovely post, Anna, and thanks for putting together the blog tour. You are an amazing friend that I will always cherish.
Great page!
Great excerpt!
That exerpt is such a tease! I just got to imagine the scene and then it's gone! Gah!
Thank you so much for the giveaway!!!
It is a fantastic scene one of my faves.
Thank you!!
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