Author: MaryLynn Bast
Series: Heart Of A Wolf (Novella) (Adam's Tale)
Publisher: Werewolf Tails Publishing
Release Date: July 3 2012
Edition: Kindle
Sourece: Free Copy In Exchange for Honest Review

Goodreads Synopsis
Adam Channing knows the rules…during the Full Moon Phase— DON’T GO IN THE WOODS.
Yet, he can’t ignore the call of a young female werewolf Patricia DuFur. He knows it’s against pack rules, but can’t resist the temptation and faces the consequences when her three brothers attack and leave him to die.
With Blake as a friend, he is well on his way to learning the ways of being a werewolf. Adams is constantly in a state of change when he receives the gift of “Seer”. His life takes on a whole new meaning out in the forest.
My Review
Mary is climbing the ladder of success she has managed to yet again keep me glued to a book. Mary has created a world in which I love being transported to every time I pick up one of her books. And this one of course does not disappoint.
Adam is a sweet and loyal and thinks he has found the one. Turns out she was not. Patricia sets Adam up in the hopes that he will end up her mate against her fathers will. Things did not go as planned and Adam was left for dead rather then being changed for her. Thankfully Blake was close by and in turn saved Adams life by doing what Patricia hoped her brothers would do and turned him. Adam becomes part of Blake's pack and together they set out on a journey that leads them all over the United States in search of Amber. On this journey Adam slowly learning about pack life.
I am not one for spoilers as all of my wonderful followers know. Since this is a short read I will stop here and just encourage you to go buy this book you will not be disappointed. This Series is sure to be at the top of the charts for all who love paranormal.
Places to find MaryLynn
Heart Of A Wolf
Places to find Werewolf Bound
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