Title: Patience
Author: Katie Salidas & Willsin Rowe

Publisher: Exessica
Release Date: August 31st 2012
Edition: E~Book
Donelle Fortier is no billionaire. She runs her ad agency with passion and scruples...and it shows in her bank balance.Edan Dalca is the cocky young hotshot Donelle hired to pump life into her business. He’s intense, passionate...and downright hawt.But when his arrogance threatens the agency’s future, Donelle realizes he needs to be taught one very important lesson: patience.And with Donelle’s consummate skills, it’s a lesson that Edan will never forget.

Katie Salidas is a Super Woman! Endowed with special powers and abilities, beyond those of mortal women, She can get the munchkins off to gymnastics, cheerleading, Girl Scouts, and swim lessons. She can put hot food on the table for dinner while assisting with homework, baths, and bedtime… And, She still finds the time to keep the hubby happy (nudge nudge wink wink). She can do all of this and still have time to write.
And if you can believe all of those lies, there is some beautiful swamp land in Florida for sale…
Katie Salidas resides in Las Vegas, Nevada. Mother, wife, and author, she does try to do it all, often causing sleep deprivation and many nights passed out at the computer. Writing books is her passion, and she hopes that her passion will bring you hours of entertainment.
And her awesome writing partner.

Willsin Rowe falls in love with a scent, a playful expression or an act of casual intimacy more easily than with physical beauty. When confronted by any combination of those elements he is a lost cause. He has done many things over and over, done even more things only once, and half-done more things than he cares to admit. He loves to sing and doesn’t let his voice get in the way. He is intelligent but not sensible. He is passionate but fearful. He is not scruffy enough or stylish enough to be cool.
Patience © August 2012 by Willsin Rowe and Katie Salidas
He turned, drilling his steel-gray eyes into mine. “You
regret last night, don’t you?”
“Last night...” I bit down on my burgeoning smile. “Well,
I’ve certainly done smarter things than seduce a co-worker.”
“The way I see it, I seduced you.”
“Such is my skill, young man.” I couldn’t suppress my smile
this time. “No, it wasn’t my smartest move, but I certainly don’t regret it.
Anyway, I thought you boys compartmentalized everything.”
He slipped his hand onto my thigh. “How can I when you’re
right here?”
I bit my lip and squeezed my legs together. “Stop…” It was
barely a whisper, not convincing at all. He had such big hands they were
impossible to ignore. Especially sliding up my leg like that.
I clamped my hand over his. “No, Edan. We have to get back
to the office. We have another pitch tomorrow.”
He dug his fingers in, a needless show of strength. With a
puff of disgust he pulled back and turned away. “Fine. Then maybe tomorrow
you’ll let me drive.” He shucked out another mint and ground it to death.
“Oh, act your fucking age, Edan.” Jesus. I sound like I’m
his mother. I started the car and mashed out my frustration on the gas pedal.
We drove back in man-made silence. Before I’d even turned
off the engine Edan had his door open, ready to storm upstairs and broadcast
our failure. To distance himself from the stink of it. I curled my fingers
around his arm.
He pulled loose from my tenuous grasp and flounced out of
the car. I turned off the engine and rushed after him, my clattering heels
echoing off the concrete ceiling of the parking garage.
“Edan, stop!”
The touch of my hand on his shoulder seemed to calm him a
little. He stopped and let me turn him around. I felt like his mother again as
I pressed him back against the wall. In my heels I was almost eye-to-eye with
him. Or would be, if he’d look at me.
“You still have so much to learn, boy.”
“Don’t call me boy. I’m 24 years old.”
“In every way possible.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing. Look, we need to present a united front. Yes, we
probably lost the pitch. But those people up there rely on me, and now you, to
bring business in. They need to believe in us.”
“Then untie the apron strings! Let me take more control.”
I rested my hand against his chest. Even through the thick
wool of his suit, I fancied I could feel the heat of his skin, and I nearly
lost my train of thought. “This is not the time for that discussion, Edan.”
“It never is.”
“Stop. I mean it, this is not the time. We need to radiate
calm, give off a positive vibe. Can you do that?”
He shook his head and puffed out a resigned chuckle. Finally
his cool eyes met mine. “Maybe. What’s it worth to you?”
The warmth of his hand was all too real as he cupped the
fullness of my breast through my blouse. I’d been so focused on his eyes I
hadn’t seen him move. My breath tripped up as he squeezed my hardening nipple.
“Edan…” The simple urgency of my own voice sounded like a
betrayal. With my hand over his I rested my head on his chest, just to take the
weight off my untrustworthy knees. With my eyes closed and the heat of his body
against me it was easy to forget he was born the year I finished school.
Suddenly he was all hands and breath, all heat and muscle,
and lord, did it feel good. I clutched at his belt for balance and he pushed
his mouth onto mine.
Places to find Katie
On Her Website Katie Salidas
Katie's Author Page on Facebook
Katie on Twitter
Katie on Goodreads
Places to find Willsin
Willsin's Blog
Willsin on Goodreads
I love Katie's Immortialis Series, cannot wait to check out her Eroticas. :)
You are one of my wife's top faves so she probably already purchased so I will just take her kindle for a little while.
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