Kasey Mackenzie lives with her husband and son in St. Louis, Missouri; home of the Gateway Arch, the baseball Cardinals, and the world’s greatest thin-crust pizza. Kasey was one of those students who always had her nose in a book—so no big surprise when she was voted “Teacher’s Pet” in her high school yearbook. Today, she is a voracious reader of fantasy, romance, suspense, and “soft” science fiction. She adores her German shepherd puppy, two cats, playing softball, and has recently taken up knitting. So far she can cast on, do the knit stitch, and cast off. Hey, it’s a start!

Hell hath nothing worse than a Fury scorned…
Today I would like to welcome Kasey Mackenzie the Author of the Shades of Fury Novels. A FANTASTIC Urban Fantasy series that should be on everyone's reading list if it is not what are you waiting for. I asked Kasey for an interview and she said yes ( I totally had a fan girl moment ). So with out further ado onto the interview.
Can you tell us a little about yourself?
I'm a full-time fiction and legal writer and live in the St. Louis, Missouri area. I'm an avid reader and video gamer who is playing a little too much Star Wars: The Old Republic these days! I have an awesome husband and son, along with two kitty cats and one dog who is the size of a small pony.
RBTL: Can you tell is a little bit about your challenges getting published?
The major challenges for me were just staying positive while I learned more about my craft and kept submitting manuscripts to agents. Writers have to develop a thick skin and remember that people are rejecting certain projects, not the writer! The only completely sure way to never get published is to give up and stop submitting.
RBTL: What was your favorite book when you were a child/teen?
As a child, I loved The Dark is Rising Sequence by Susan Cooper. As a teen I fell in love with all of Mercedes Lackey's books and most of Anne McCaffrey's books, and then glommed onto historical romance by authors like Johanna Lindsey, Amanda Quick, Jude Devereaux, Julie Garwood, and Catherine Coulter.
RBTL: If someone wrote a book about your life, what would the title be?
Too Much Family Drama, Too Little Time! (I think most families can say that, though! ;) )
RBTL; Can you tell us a little bit about the Shades of Fury Novels? Sure!
The Shades of Fury books revolve around my main character, Marissa Holloway, who was born into the Sisterhood of Furies. She has to juggle her duties to the Sisterhood with her duties as Chief Magical Investigator for the Boston Police Department. Additionally, she recently reconciled with her sexy shapeshifting Warhound lover, Scott Murphy, which also adds a lot of spice to her life.
RBTL; Any other books in the works?/Goals for future projects?
I have a post-apocalyptic dystopian novel I'm working on for my agent that deals with a small segment of the population becoming basically "Ageless" due to deliberate genetic manipulation, a steampunk featuring the twin daughters of Changeling Jane Austen (a personal project I love but am not sure will turn into anything), and an urban fantasy I sent to my editor recently featuring human elementals. I have a few other projects I am poking at. I would love to write more Shades of Fury books but I'm not sure of the logistics behind any future books in the series just yet.
RBTL: Can you share with us your typical writing day. Is there anything you have to have while writing?
I almost always have music going on in the background when I write. I have become addicted to Dr. Pepper 10 in an effort to wean myself off regular Dr. Pepper. My favorite way to write is to go to one of my usual local restaurants with wifi because I seem to get more done that way. I work from home so if I spend too much time staring at the walls here I start to get cabin fever big time.
RBTL: If you could have one superpower what would you choose?
I have to say power over the four elements would ROCK!
RBTL: What do you like to do in your free time?
Spend time with my family, read, write, play softball, and play computer games like SWTOR.
RBTL: How did you get into writing in this genre?
I loved urban fantasy before it became an official genre, so it was a very natural fit for me. I was so excited when other people began buying it like crazy! =)
RBTL: What kind of research went into writing the Shades of Fury Novels?
I love mythology and have done a ton of research into various types of mythology such as Greek, Roman, Egyptian, African, Hindu, and others. I did a little bit of research into basics on the Boston PD (what I could do online anyway), and refreshed myself on the Boston locale - I lived there for a year a few years ago.
RBTL: If you could ask yourself one interview question what would it be and how would you answer it?
If you could meet any fictional character, who would it be?
ANSWER: Probably Alexia Tarabotti Maccon from Gail Carriger's Soulless series. I don't know why but I just adore these books and would love to spend some time with the indomitable Lady Maccon.
RBTL: Any advice to young aspiring writers or anything else you would like to share with your fans/readers?
BIC (which means Butt in Chair) and write, write write! Also read a ton. Don't give up, but DO study what works for other writers in published fiction. Don't emulate them or try to "copy" their voices, just soak things in while you write like crazy to develop your own voice.
Just for Fun
Chocolate or Vanilla?
Vanilla, though I also love dark chocolate
Print or Ebook?
Both, depending on my mood
Beach or Mountains?
Beach all the way
Mac or PC?
PC because it's easier for me
Favorite Candy?
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and Mounds Bars
Tea or Coffee?
Neither. Dr. Pepper!
Here is a little praise I found on Kasey's Site.
What they’re saying:
“Urban fantasy readers looking for something new will thrill to this exhilarating debut, populated with creatures from Greek myth…Riss is the perfect urban fantasy heroine–fresh, sassy, smart, and determined–and a cavalcade of fully developed side characters keep this twisty tale moving quickly.”
–Publishers Weekly, Starred Review.
“An explosive new talent hits the UF market with this Shades of Fury series starter. Mackenzie introduces her heroine, Marissa Holloway, a fury and Boston’s chief magical investigator, who is at the epicenter of a case that could threaten the mortal/arcane accord. The byzantine layers of this plot are accented by kick-butt action and intriguing characterization, making Riss one captivating heroine. Money and time well spent!”
–Romantic Times Book Reviews, 4.5 Stars Top Pick, Nominated for 2010 Reviewers’ Choice Best Urban Fantasy Protagonist.
“I loved it. Kasey Mackenzie is a brilliant new talent, and RED HOT FURY is fun, inventive, and has an awesome heroine. Easily the best book I’ve read this year.”
–Karen Chance, New York Times Bestselling Author of the Cassie Palmer Series and Midnight’s Daughter.
“A fantastic, wild ride of a debut. I couldn’t put it down!”
–Nalini Singh, New York Times Bestselling Author of the Psy-Changeling and Guild Hunter Series.
“With its fascinating new world of Furies, Harpies, Oracles and Sidhes, RED HOT FURY pulls you in from page one, and the action doesn’t stop there. Marissa is a Fury with sass, skills and red leather . . . not to mention a sexy, Irish Warhound by her side. If you’re ready for a unique spin on all things paranormal–and you’re ready to stay up a little too late reading–grab RED HOT FURY and prepare to dive in. Kasey MacKenzie’s first Shades of Fury novel sets a new standard for urban fantasy, and I can’t wait to find out what happens next.”
–Chloe Neill, Author of the Chicagoland Vampire Series.
Places to find Kasey
Places to find Red Hot Fury
Places to find Green-Eyed Envy
Places to find BlackHearted Betrayal
Awesome interview. It's funny how many people start SWTOR and get sucked in! I haven't played it myself, but I heard it is very addictive!
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