Title: Power of the Moon
Author: Tina Carreiro
Series: Power of the Moon
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Time and Tide Publishing
Release Date: October 25th but I'm sure if you look you can find it now. ;)

Haunted by visions of death, and a past that holds her prisoner, Mia Starr never imagined her life could become even more complex. Untapped psychic powers spark to life, and her chosen solitary existence fills with creatures that shatter her safe reality. Now the very thing she fears the most is the one thing that will complete her in every way possible.
Detective Cole Barnett has mastered the vampire within. It has earned him respect and a position with Sector 13, the hardest job a vampire can hold. When a beautiful mortal is thrown into his investigation, with powers able to subjugate vampires, she tests his restraint.
Cole and Mia's passion ignites, but Mia's fear holds her back and she struggles to forget his touch and possessive kiss. What she doesn't realize is the more she runs from him, the more excited he becomes, and the hunt is something he cannot resist.
Power of the Moon Re Released
Make sure you continue reading to the very in a have a brief but awesome blurb for book 2 Covet the Moon you know you do not want to miss Detective Cole . I know I don't. And you can find my review of Power of the Moon here.Tell us the story behind the story. What inspired you to write this novel?
The original idea for Power of the Moon came many years ago while riding along with my husband on duty. I never knew true fear until I watched him pull someone over in an alley, approach the car by himself with balls of steel as people came out from everywhere to surround the car. It was like watching a movie but the reality of it hit me hard. I am in awe of my husband. That night, the story bloomed in my head. I’ve always loved the government “task force,” theory such as Men in Black. I thought about what elements of control law enforcement would have to possess if given the strength of paranormal creatures. As far as Mia’s concerned, well, she’s been with me for a very long time. Throw this all in a pot and mix in a romantic thriller where the chase is just as fun as the capture and you have, Power of the Moon.
Tell us about the book cover. How does it represent your book? How did you choose the artwork?
The image on the front cover is just a regular stock photo, which I can't take credit for finding, my previous publisher found her. The manipulation of the photo and everything else is all me right down to the eerie eye color. The cover represents the book in many ways because that is Mia on the front cover.
I spend my days writing and when I'm not writing, I love sci-fi, fantasy and horror films - all of them, even the B's. Zombies rock! I'm also very proficient on Wii. I have two adorable kids, which are my best creations and a loving husband who is my greatest adventure. I also have my fury baby, Bela. We call him our one-eyed Cycloptic cat. Bela is a chocolate point Siamese with one eye and we rescued him from a breeder many years ago. I currently reside in Florida where I'm barricaded in a barn and under a zombie attack. Send help!!!!
Are you ready for a sweet little tease? And boy is it sweet and a tease. Just enough to leave you wanting and waiting oh so impatiently for Covet the Moon book 2 in the Power of the Moon series. Tina knows how to leave you wanting.
Being a cop is hard enough without the urge to lick the blood from a fresh corpse at a crime scene. Once you've mastered your inner beast, you can keep your fangs from popping. That is, until someone takes away the one person that speaks to your soul, and you're pushed to your breaking point. Then, the vampire within claws at you from the inside, leaving you with one choice – let it rage!
Yes I love them
Great post and thanks for the invite to the giveaway :)
Of course I love books with Vampires, bite me baby! :)
This sounds fantastic! Love me some vampires :)
Yes, I like books with vampires. Thanks for the giveaway.
yes I like books with vampires. Thank you for the giveaway.
Yes very much!!!!
I love, love, love books with vampires ;=D So looking forward to reading Power of the Moon. Thank you so much for sharing a bit of you with us today :)
Vampires are some of my fav characters, Except for those twillithgt tweeerps, external teenagers? Van Helsing Hand me the stake
This book is awesome and I cant wait for the second one. Thanks Tina for writing a fabulous book!!!
love vampire books, my fav
I love vampire books, this book sounds great!!
Vampirers are the ultimate bad boys...I can't get enoough of them!
I love vamps- vamp tramp all the way. sdylion(at)gmail(dot)com
Yes, I do.
thank you!!
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