Title: Stuck
Author: Sascha Illyvich
Genre: Erotic Romance
Release Date: Originally Published October 5 2007

Kandy is a young, free spirit. Not afraid to live life, she pushes her body and soul to the limit, hitting all the loud metal concerts, knocking back drinks with the best of them, and coming home hung over to Ian Richards, the man who has taken her under his wing since she came to live with him after her parents died years ago.Of course, Ian has a past too. He and his ex-wife parted on friendly enough terms, but he still feels guilty for their breakup. It seems to him that his sexy little roommate, who happens to be nine years younger than him, was a part of their problem. Only, his concern for her seemed fatherly until she comes home one night after a Slipknot concert and decides to seduce him. After all, she's old enough.
For someone her age, she's wise beyond her years, which even Ian can give her, but still. Can Kandy show Ian that in order to grow, he has to get his priorities straight? Can he get out of his head and let go of the past long enough to see just what he has under his nose? Or will he cling to memories of the past failures and remain stuck?
Why Younger Women and Older Men
Frankly, I haven't a clue. I am guessing cause old ass men want fantasies! HA! How's that for a blog post? Seriously? In the realm outside of writing and romance it makes little sense to me unless the woman in question sees herself as an old soul and can deal with the hang ups an older man has, then the relationship can work.
When I talk about hang ups, I mean things like the mid-life crisis, the weight and health issues, the general just being a man. I've never found my gender particularly attractive despite bisexual leanings, but I'd go for an older woman any day of the weak, given the chance.
From a writing perspective, I can understand plot and conflict management as to why a woman at the age of say…maybe 25 would go for a man who is in his forties, or older. Some women have daddy complexes, others has fetishes. Something about the potential for a classic male figure may stand out to them and if they find one, who is to stop them.
Let's face it, the classic man is dead and gone, mostly. With the welcoming of metrosexual men, we have an odd gap now because more women have expressed an interest in us being…more radio friendly. Men in their 40s and up aren't going to look like metrosexuals and that's fine. There is a dying art form in how men behave.
My best example right now is me. I'm a bourbon drinker, a cigar and pipe aficionado, and I like rye and hard liquor almost as much as I do wine. But the perception of wine is that it's for the younger crowd, the 20-somethings and even 30-somethings. Yet I drink like an old man, I smoke like one too. A cigar relaxes me, a glass of bourbon isn't my old man's choice, it's mine. But his generation drank a LOT of whiskey that the younger crowd is only rediscovering through the cocktail craze.
One of my readers is ten years plus younger than I am. (She's legal) and is fascinated by that because based on age, I should be sucking down vodkatinis (what the fuck?) and hipster bullshit. While I do enjoy a fresh locally made libation, I still need it to pair with the seductiveness of my cigar or pipe. And women flock to me because I smoke a pipe. (Four bent briars if anyone's keeping score) and I don't smoke fruity aromatic tobacco.
The lure? I tend to hear "My grandfather or father smoked cigars/pipes and drank like you do and he was a great guy, so I'm betting you're a great guy."
That's all I've got on it. Really! I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Speeding down I-45 towards Dallas, he didn't know what he was thinking when he let her drive. It was one thing to say "here, let's take my car," and another to say "Kandy, you drive."
He should have known better.
Taking his car was a better choice, it was brand new. He took very good care of his new Jaguar, but Kandy just had to test the new fuel injection system on the highway this time of year. She just had to test the sound system complete with the latest and cleanest speakers on the market.
It wouldn't be so bad if she listened to something calmer than the vocalist from Mudvayne scream.
Of course, maybe she identified. The vocalist was quite pissed off, but he had to be in his early twenties, right?
Stopping at a truck stop in Centerville, they both got out, stretching their legs. Kandy was dressed in blue jeans that hugged her well rounded ass and emphasized just how tiny she was, a red velvet jacket that hid her frame. She wore a tight black top, showing Ian plenty of cleavage. Her bright red ponytail swung over the curve of her ass. Complete with two inch boots, she was a knockout!
Ian dressed more conservatively. Black slacks, a beautiful purple ribbed sweater that Kandy bought him last year for Christmas, and his trusty Bostonians. Black of course.
Finishing up, Ian met Kandy outside the store and walked with her, arm in arm towards the car.
"I'll drive," Ian looked sternly into Kandy's beautiful eyes.
Kandy pouted, "You don't like my driving?"
"No," Ian's voice was firm.
"Coward." Sticking her tongue out at him made Ian think of things he shouldn't. This was just a little vacation, right?
"Fine," she retorted to his silence. But I get to crank up the music still."
Ian sighed heavily.
"Yay!" Kandy jumped up, clapping like a little girl who'd just gotten permission to eat sweets.
They got in the car and immediately, Kandy turned up the stereo. More Mudvayne.
Ian groaned.
"Oh come on, there's passion behind this band. You know what that is, don't you?"
Ian groaned loudly. "Yes, I know what passion is."
"Was. Until," she stopped herself.
Ian was quick to catch her mistake. "How old are these guys?"
It was too late. Kandy had drifted into the heavy rhythms of the bass players' slap technique.
They were just outside Dallas when Kandy reached over and put her hand on Ian's thigh. Twitching, he ignored her, feeling deaf. She'd switched out Mudvayne for a louder band with a vocalist who vacillated between sounding like an angel, or like he'd swallowed pins for breakfast.
Jerking when her hand inched up his thigh, Ian looked at Kandy, thrashing to the music. Well, that was a term for it anyway.
Before Ian became fully cognizant, Kandy's hand had managed to find its' way to his crotch. The warmth of her hand was welcome, but dangerous.
"What are you doing?" he asked when his zipper slid down.
Kandy reached a hand into his pants, threading her fingers through his boxers.
Choking back a groan, Ian managed to keep his eyes on the road. It had grown considerably darker now.
"What the hell are you doing, Candace?"
"Mmm, don't call me Candace," she purred before freeing his cock. She began stroking it, her fingers warming and massaging his rigid cock.
"I can't pull over for this nonse–" he couldn't finish the sentence. Keeping his eyes focused on the road, he realized her warm breath had kissed his cock.
Then her lips fell over him.
"I can't be–oh god Kandy your mouth is so warm…"
Her lips brushed the head of his swollen member, Ian's knees jerked against the gas pedal, sending them within inches of the car in front of them.
The car in front of them honked, flipped Ian off and changed lanes.
Ian peered down, then at the driver who gave him a thumbs up once he glanced over to see Kandy's mouth working him over.
Ian groaned pleasurably. His body was on fire, his nerves ready to explode in Kandy's mouth, but he maintained control. If she wasn't careful, they'd wreck.
It started to snow.
"Fucking great!" Ian choked the words out when she sank his cock completely inside her mouth.
"I know," Kandy replied. "You taste so damn good," she licked the head of his cock like a lollipop. Ian grunted, trying to concentrate on the road, but Kandy's tongue snaked around his shaft, sliding up one side and down another.
Clutching the steering wheel, his knuckles had turned white by now, and his thighs ached from his trying to remain in control of his car.
It purred, or at least he thought it did until he slowed the car and saw Kandy, purring against his cock. The sensation sent shivers racing through him. Her hot mouth covered him, sliding his cock out of her mouth with a popping sound.
"Kandy," he gritted his teeth together. Slowing the car, he heard her giggle.
"This is so fun though," she lowered her mouth over his cock, brushing the sensitive skin with her teeth.
The friction of her wet lips against his swollen sex was enough to drive him wild. "You should stop," he reiterated, "or I'll come in your mouth."
"That's the idea," she licked him again.
Thrusting his hips upwards in an attempt to buck her, he quickly realized that he only added to their pleasure.
She wasn't going to stop.
Ian didn't care right now. The speed sign passed by too quickly for him to see what the legal limit was, but it didn't matter. His gray jaguar could outrun any patrol car, but he really didn't want to have matters come to that.
"Kandy," he lowered a hand to her hair, stroking her curls, playing, tangling his fingers in her silky hair.
"Silly pet," she uttered and moved up and down his cock faster and faster, excitement building in him. His throbbing cock jerked in her mouth once, his control over his body gone.
I host the Unnamed Romance Show on Radio Dentata and continue to write for Sizzler Editions and Total E-bound. Readers can find my work, plus free reads at http://saschaillyvichauthor.com
I edit for Sizzler Editions Intoxication Erotic Romance line and I'm also part of the WriteSex Panel, a blog group defining erotica for writers in any genre! Find us at http://www.writesex.net
Places to find Sascha
Places to find Stuck
Rene Books
Thanks for having me! It was a pleasure writing the blog post for you.
That was a very HOT excerpt!!
As far as the older men and younger women thing, I am not really sure what the appeal is. I, personally, like men near my age. I have friends that like older men and according to them, they are maturer than men their own age. I have a friend who loves men with salt and pepper hair. I guess tastes vary.
I like your response, though, Sascha! :)
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I would love to hear your thoughts. :) HAPPY READING !!!!