Title: Ransom (Originally book 2 but like Charmeine this was broken down as well it is now books 4 and 5. With book 4 a new cover which I will show and book 5 is continuing to use this cover.)
Author: Emily Guido
Series: The Light-Bearer Series ( books 4 and 5 )
Genre: PNR/Fantasy
Publisher: PDMI Direct Publishing
Release Date: 2012
Source: BTS and Author for Blog Tour in exchange for an honest review.
Title: Seditious
The Fourth Novel in “The Light-Bearer Series” is “Seditious.” This book is the continuation of Tabbruis and Charmeine’s romantic and turbulent love story and mission on Earth to battle Lucifer’s minions!
Tabbruis and Charmeine’s life at the ‘Castle Charmeine’ is blissful until reality of the ruling the Elder Council Blood-Hunters hits them in the face.
In “Seditious” Tabbruis and Charmeine find that their love is tested in the most heinous way possible.
Then, as a one-two punch, Lord Cromwell, one of the most deadly and powerful Blood-Hunter ever has escaped the Elder Council Prison. Lord Cromwell sends his beautiful agent to cause trouble for Tabbruis and Charmeine and wants something that they have!
Charmeine runs away from the ‘Castle Charmeine’ to forget the betrayal of her most beloved husband Tabbruis.
Can Tabbruis win Charmeine back? How can he make her understand?
Title: Ransom
Series: The Light-Bearer Series (book #5)
Series: The Light-Bearer Series (book #5)

"Ransom" is the Second Novel in "The Light-Bearer Series" which is the continuation of Tabbruis and Charmeine's romantic and turbulent love story and mission on Earth to battle Lucifer's minions!
Tabbruis and Charmeine’s life at the ‘Castle Charmeine’ is blissful until the reality of ruling the Hellish Blood-Hunters' Elder Council hits them in the face. Then, as a one-two punch, Lord Cromwell, one of the most deadly and powerful Blood-Hunters on Earth has escaped the Elder Council Prison! Lord Cromwell sends a beautiful agent to cause trouble for Tabbruis and Charmeine! He also desperately wants something Tabbruis has!
There are more surprises in store for the inhabitants of the 'Castle Charmeine'.
Will Tabbruis and Charmeine, two star-crossed and ill-fated lovers ever be at rest? Could this mean the end of harmony for Tabbruis and Charmeine’s family?
Charmeine, book one: my favorite chapter is “The Face” this is when Tabbruis and Charmeine finally lay eyes upon each other. It is passionate and very romantic.
Mactus, book two: “Tristan and Isolde to the beach” this is when Tabbruis and Charmeine are off on their brief honeymoon. I love this chapter because it is very fun and carefree. Charmeine and Tabbruis are like the newlyweds they are, in love and basking in the moments of discovery.
Accendo, book three: “It is really just love” is the one chapter that I love above all in “The Light-Bearer Series.” In this chapter so much is revealed and we know that Tabbruis and Charmeine are to be together always… their love, their mission and lives are melded together.
Seditious, book four: “Homecoming” is the one chapter that I just adore in this book. Tabbruis and Charmeine are so happy and thinking about their family and the future of all at the Castle Charmeine.
Ransom, book five: “No shades of grey” is a wonderful chapter about how we look at the world and the problems or obstacles we have.
Emily Guido is a very New Paranormal Romance Author. She was inspired to start writing "The Light-Bearer Series" because one day she got an idea of two characters of light and dark who needed to have their epic romance story told. Not ever dreaming a week later she would have over a 100,000 words written. When Emily writes, it is similar to you or I watching a movie. She pictures the characters in her head going through vivid descriptions of each scene. There are so many nuances going through her mind that she cannot type fast enough. She has written five novels, "Charmeine" "Mactus" "Accendo" "Seditious" and "Ransom" The sixth novel in "The Light-Bearer Series." is entitled "Conundrum" and will be released early 2013.
Places to find Emily
Places to find Ransom ( The Light-Bearer Series # 4-5 )
Goodreads Seditious
Goodreads Ransom
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