Title: Bewitched
Author: Cambria Hebert
Series: Heven and Hell (2.5)
Genre: YA/Paranormal
Publisher: Self Published
Release Date: October 5 2012
Source: Author in exchange for honest review & blog tour.

For years, I accepted that Heven was more popular than me. I never liked it but I lived with it. I walked in her shadow, I stood by her when no one else would. When I finally thought her spotlight was mine things began to change. She began to change. Now she hardly ever calls me back, she spends all her time with her hot new boyfriend and everyone at school thinks she’s back on top. She had it all. But apparently she wants more. She wants Cole – my boyfriend. What’s worse is that it looks like she got him. I’ve had enough and she’s going to be sorry. Why?
Because I am bewitched.
Okay Cambia has done it again she has put a spell on me. I enjoyed Bewitched. It a short story from Kimber's POV that rocked. Kimber is one of those Love/Hate characters and I love and hate her at times lol. When feeling betrayed she fell under a spell just as she realizes her mistake ...... Sorry Spoiler Free you have to read to see what mischief Kimber encounters and see when or if Kimber decides to fix the wrong is has done or does she just let it go.
Cambria will leave you BEWICHED and begging for more. So make sure to check out Tirade when it releases in November. Until then check out the other books in the Heven and Hell Series you will not be disappointed.
part of the Bewitched Blog Tour I am bringing you a post today about witches…
get it… Bewitched? I know I am SO
clever. LOL. My bad jokes aside this post is really good!! So let’s get to it…
might cast a spell on you…. *winks*
"Double, double toil and trouble.
Fire burn, and cauldron bubble."
~MacBeth William Shakespeare
Fire burn, and cauldron bubble."
~MacBeth William Shakespeare
know what that means? Anyone?
I can take a guess but witches sure do have a way with words (or maybe it’s
Shakespeare?)… or ahem, spells. A fun little fact here about that quote above…
my editot told me under no uncertain terms could I use it in my novella. She
thought Shakespeare might get mad. *Shrugs*
He seems like a cool guy to me… but still… he does have a way with
spells so I decided not to push my luck.
that’s okay because as it turns out Kimber cast quite a few spells herself in Bewitched. Here is one of hers:
Water boil
I summon thee
This is my
Bubble, burn
flash and strong waves splash
Here my cry!
Let my power
I am
Kimber is much more dramatic than Shakespeare….
throughout time witches have been known as many things:
have seen Good Witches:
We have even seen people act like crazy witches:
But what about real accounts of witches throughout history?
Here is a brief list of some of the more famous historical witches throughout time:
Anne Boleyn 1507-1536, she was the second wife of King Henry VIII of England was beheaded and her reputation was smeared due to the fact she was unable to bear her husband a child so he claimed she was a witch. She had a sixth finger on one hand which was believed to be a sign that the young lady was a witch.
Joan of Navarre 1370-1437. Duchess of Brittany who was the wife of King Henry IV of England was accused of being a witch and wanting to bring down the king. Later she was pardoned and reinstated.
The North Berwick Witches a group of men and women who were accused of witchcraft in Scotland in the 16th century. On minimal evidence they were condemned and tortured and burnt. They were supposed to have created a storm to the drown the King James 1.
Mary Butters late 18th century-early 19th century. She is known as the Carmoney Witch and narrowly escaped trial for the killing of a cow and three people. She claimed at her inquest she saw a black man who killed the three people and that she was knocked unconscious causing the ingredients to become toxic. The incident was made into a humorous ballad.
Joan of Arc 1412-1431. She was not charged as most people have said for practicing witchcraft but for being a relapsed heretic who denied the authority of the church.
Facts and info about the witches in history was found here: Witches.net I copied the facts about each “historic” witch verbatim, I don’t take credit for these facts I just thought that I couldn’t word it any better. If you are looking for more info on witches this is a great resource.
So what are your thoughts and feelings on witches? Real, not real… crazy?? LOL. Personally, I think some form of witchcraft exists…. Not within me (my husband might think differently…) but somewhere.
So in celebration of Witches I thought I would share a recipe for some witches brew. Drink up!
Feeling Witchy? Try this tasty treat!
Witches Brew Recipe:
Ice Hands
packages (.09 oz each) chewy fruit flavored snacks
plastic gloves
Cold water
cup boiling water
box (4-serving size) orange-flavored gelatin
can (46 oz) pineapple juice, chilled
quart (4 cups) apple cider, chilled
cup lemon juice
bottle (33.8 oz) ginger ale, chilled
• Step ONE: Place 3 packages of fruit snacks in each plastic glove. Pour cold water over fruit snacks, filling to within 1 inch of top; tie end of each glove. Freeze until solid, 4 to 5 hours.
• Step TWO: In 3-quart pitcher or bowl, pour boiling water on gelatin; stir until gelatin is dissolved. Stir in pineapple juice, apple cider and lemon juice. Cover and refrigerate.
• Step THREE: Just before serving, peel off gloves; place ice hands in punch bowl, fruit snack side up.
Step FOUR: Pour punch into punch bowl over hands. Gently stir in ginger ale.
This recipe is courtesy of: Pilsbury
So that’s it for today!! I hope you learned something new about witches and if you didn’t… if you ever bark like a dog when a bell rings remember this post because I may or may not have cast a spell on you….
This was tons of fun everyone! Have a great day!
You always have the best blogs and this one is even better because of the Halloween theme! You do a great job and I cannot wait to read this book!
Thank you MaryLynn the whole series so far as been pretty good page turners.
Hi Anna! Thank you so much for posting today! this post looks fantastic! I LOVE the green that you added and you always use really great font. I definitely feel in the spirit of Halloween now!!
Thank you for being part of the tour and for taking time to write a review of Bewitched, I really appreciate it! :)
Happy Halloween!
Hi Anna!!! What I love about Halloween is getting my girls all dressed up and ready to go, I love the whole being someone else for a night and being creative while your at it!! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!
Great post love it I like Halloween to see my son get dress up ..and I'm big kid. Some time I do lol and I give out candy. It just fun ...
And your blog is great adding your button to mine :)
Awesome blog!!! I love Halloween.. keep up the great work
A fun post... really put me in the mood for Halloween. Thanks!
I love being able to go all out on an outfit and have fun :)
Thanks for being a part of this blog tour! I love Cambria Hebert's Heven and Hell Seires :D!
Seeing all the kids in their costumes having fun tricker treating
The tricks you can pull and then the treats
Dressing up and craving pumpkins is fun too :)
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