Title: Blood's Voice
Author: Áine P Massie
Series: House of Millar (#1)
Genre: Paranormal Romance/New Adult
Publisher: Geas Publishing
Release Date: June 1 2011

Anya Millar had no memory of her life or an instruction manual on how to navigate the insane world of humans, biting, and reality. Instead, Anya has had to learn to navigate the world of love, life, and sanity while avoiding those that would see her dead or enslaved.
Anya must come to terms with who she is and her missing past, Nicholas must win back the object of his eternal love while dealing with new cravings in his silent heart, and Declán must learn to destroy the very creatures that he has unequivocally given his heart and blood.
This is the ongoing journey of Anya and Nicholas, human loving vampires and the human they love, Declán. What makes it all more complicated is that they are abominations in their own world and Declán is a natural born vampire hunter called a Guardian.
To get the full awesomeness of this blitz be sure to follow the before and after links at each stop. So before you read my excerpt hop over to Queentutt’s World of Escapism then read my excerpt and after my excerpt will be the link for the next awesome spot on this BLITZ Tour.
Amber came to my side and put her hand on my shoulder. “Dear child, he is still locked in the reverie of what you did to him. He is not in any pain.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. It’s the exact opposite actually, but only you can wake him. The only problem is you did not break the connection correctly. Your blood is drastically stronger than his, or either of ours for that matter. You need to reconnect and mentally call to him . . . sort of like leading him back to his body. You left him locked in ecstasy, dear,” she giggled with a coy smirk playing at the corners of her perfect, smooth lips.
Fear, yes pure, unadulterated fear was overwhelming me. “But, but . . . what if I only make it worse?”
“Relax dear one, he will respond to your call. This is one of the reasons that it’s so rarely done. Well, that and most would never willingly share their power, not even with an eternal partner.”
“Are you sure? I’ve already trapped him once; I don’t want to make it worse.” I was trying to calm, slowly it worked.
Jonathan interjected again, “Amber, we should go before she awakens him as this is something that’s private. He won’t be happy if he has an audience.”
“Yes,” she agreed, “we should go home. We are not upset with either of you dear, but please, try to be more careful in the future. We love our son very much.”
Now onto the next awesome stop on this BLITZ Storm Goddess Reviews
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Áine P Massie is originally from Florida, she now lives in Wisconsin where she works on her House Millar series full time while raising four children (the term herding cats comes to mind). Her major in College was Childhood Education (specialization in ages zero to five) with a minor study in Deaf Culture/ASL. She is also a Wiccan priestess dedicated to the gods, family, and love.
A lifelong reader, Áine has always had a particular fascination with vampires, mythology, and the unusual. When she can escape from her children and books, she enjoys . . . oh yes, reading, playing, ritual, a good cappuccino, and working with her healing stones.
Her first published work came in high school where she was part of a writing and drama group. But, she’s been reading the likes of Shakespeare and Poe since late elementary school and enjoys most forms of fiction. Blood’s Voice has been a long time in coming and with its publication (June 2011) Áine embarked on a new chapter in her life.
Places to find Áine
Places to find Voice's Blood
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I'm actually not much of a vamp fan :/ sad, but true >.< I'm very picky when it comes the fanged and sexy.. I've only ever met 4vamps that rev my paranormal engines. lol. and the reason i loved them so much was that they embraced their immortal side, had fun with, and loved every minute of it! I love a creature that wont try to hide what he is to the "human".
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