Author: Geoff Nelder
Genre: Science Fiction/ Medical Drama
Publisher: LL Publications
Release Date: July 30 2012

A silvery case is found in the external struts of the International Space Station (ISS). It is opened on Earth releasing a virus that causes retrograde amnesia at the rate of a year’s memory per week. No one is immune. It is tragic – as after a week or so people forget where their new homes and jobs are, and children lose speech, medicines are not produced. Yet there is humour – who’s that you wake up next to, and did you both make out? Ryder realizes what’s going on in time to persuade a handful of professionals to barricade themselves in a remote Welsh valley. The uninfected crew of the ISS join them. Can they survive intruders? This is a human disaster yet with romance, betrayal, survival, mystery and an exploration into what is so important in life it must be preserved.
Tell us the story behind the story. What inspired you to write this novel?
Cycling up a steep hill fresh oxygenated blood squeezed my imagination brain cell until it exploded with the most original SF concept in years. Infectious amnesia. I’ve checked: it has not been used in any film or book. Infectious amnesia does not exist, thank goodness, but imagine the ramifications. Of course the people – characters are more important, but sadly most of them get infectious amnesia too – ARIA is how, what happens to them, how a few avoid it.
Tell us about the book cover. How does it represent your book? How did you choose the artwork?
The cover is by award-winning artist, Andy Bigwood. After many exchanges of images and discussions, he suggested a SF retro image of a left luggage case reflected in the visor of an astronaut as he reaches for the case. It is the case that causes the apocalyptic infectious amnesia when it opened on Earth and so is iconic. The subtitle Left Luggage is that case.
Original and interesting aspects of ARIA
1. Infectious amnesia is an original concept in that it is an unknown medical condition and has not been used before in novels or films.
2. Research help and support was emailed to Geoff from space! Astronaut Leroy Chiao answered Geoff’s questions about the nature of the struts on the International Space Station, and in 2012 wished him luck with the book.
3. All the places on Earth used in the book are real geographical locations, including the ‘hidden’ valley – Anafon – in North Wales.
4. The cover art is designed by award-winning artist, Andy Bigwood.
5. The idea of infectious amnesia came to Geoff while he was riding a bicycle up a steep Welsh hill.
Geoff Nelder has a wife, two grown-up kids, an increasing number of grandkids, and lives in rural England within an easy cycle ride of the Welsh mountains. He taught Geography and Information Technology for years until writing took over his life. Geoff is a competition short-fiction judge, and a freelance editor.
Publications include several non-fiction books on climate reflecting his other persona as a Fellow of the Royal Meteorological Society; over 50 published short stories in various magazines and anthologies; thriller, humour, science fiction, and fantasy novels.
2005: Humorous thriller Escaping Reality. Re-Published 2012.
2008: Award-winning science fiction mystery with hot-blooded heroine, Exit, Pursued by a Bee.
2010: Another thriller received an Award d’Or from an Arts Academy in the Netherlands. Its third edition will be published in 2012, Hot Air.
2012: ARIA: Left Luggage science fiction apocalypse.
An urban and historical magic realism fantasy, Xaghra’s Revenge, is in the hands of a literary agency.
Places to find Geoff
Places to find Aria: Left Luggage
Sounds like this might be an interesting read. My hubby might enjoy this one too.
Did you buy ARIA for your husband? The sequel is out soon. xx
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I would love to hear your thoughts. :) HAPPY READING !!!!