Geas Publishing is proud to present the House Millar series Scavenger Hunt & Book Tour. Some of my favourite blogs have come together to hunt to all the items on the scavenger hunt list. At the end of the hunt you will have 25 items to enter into the Rafflecopter.
This is how it works… all the blogs below will post a bit about one of the books along with a guest post, interview, character interview, spotlight, etc. along with their token on their scheduled date. You are looking for the special image included somewhere within the post that you will need to then enter into the Rafflecopter at the end. Make sure to enter your answer into the right slot on the Rafflecopter ;)
We are giving away a nice set of prizes – including free eBooks from the series; gift cards to Amazon, B&N, or ARe; swag; and more…
So, enjoy, hunt along with the various posts, and have fun. Best wishes to all!
Title: Blood's Voice
Author: Áine P. Massie
Series: House Millar
Genre: New Adult/Paranormal/Romance
Publisher: Geas Publishing
Release Date: June 1st 2011

Anya Millar had no memory of her life or an instruction manual on how to navigate the insane world of humans, biting, and reality. Instead, Anya has had to learn to navigate the world of love, life, and sanity while avoiding those that would see her dead or enslaved.Anya must come to terms with who she is and her missing past, Nicholas must win back the object of his eternal love while dealing with new cravings in his silent heart, and Declán must learn to destroy the very creatures that he has unequivocally given his heart and blood.This is the ongoing journey of Anya and Nicholas, human loving vampires and the human they love, Declán. What makes it all more complicated is that they are abominations in their own world and Declán is a natural born vampire hunter called a Guardian.
Harm None, Love All (and NO biting)
Dear Ms. Anna asked me a great question and I thought I’d share the answer with all of you (not just her ;) ) What inspired you to want to become a writer?
Honestly, I can’t give you any one thing that inspired me to write. I wrote as a kid, though almost no one ever saw what was in my notebooks. In high school I wrote as a means to get out of my head what I thought and felt, a lot of very dark stuff came from those journals, trust me.
But, I loved to read, even when I wasn't toying with a poem or story... or drawing or painting (art and architecture were my true passions). I used to devour nearly anything I could get my grubby little biblioholic paws on. The library card during my summers in NC was very well loved and used, lol.
I didn't give a lot of serious thought to writing past high school until the inspiration for Anya and Blood’s Voice came about—kids and hubby in the ARMY kinda distracted me for a while. But, when I came up with the outline for what would later become Anya, my hubby pushed me to write down my insane ramblings and see if I couldn't make it into an actual story.
While I did begin writing, I didn't take it too seriously at first. I mean, I’m no Rice or Rawling, so why would anyone buy my stories, right? But as I continued writing and a few others read some of the early chapters of Blood’s Voice I not only became attached to my characters, but to the writing process and product itself. Now, I can’t remember why I didn't write seriously before.
I love sitting down to a blank page and blinky and from that create people, places, loves, and losses from all the inane chatter of the characters in my head. They often don’t do as I’d like, but love it any ways... and trust me, I tried the whole plotting thing, nope, Anya, Nicholas, Declán, and Louie flat out refused to listen to me on how their lives and unlives should be. Nothing like trying to argue with a fictional character. It just doesn't work ;)
So what inspired me? My husband and my loudmouthed muse but I wouldn't change it for anything!
Thanks for stopping by. Don’t forget to enter to win both the site giveaway and the tour wide one!

About Áine
Áine P Massie is originally from Florida, she now lives in Wisconsin where she works on her House Millar series full time while raising four children (the term herding cats comes to mind). Her major in College was Childhood Education (specializing in ages 0-5) with a minor study in Deaf Culture/ASL. She is also a Wiccan priestess dedicated to the gods, family, and love.
Áine is a proud member of the Rom-Critters and a life-long reader. Áine has always had a particular fascination with vampires, mythology, and the unusual. When she can escape from her children and books, she enjoys . . . oh yes, reading, playing, ritual, a good cappuccino, and working with her healing stones.
Her first published work came in high school where she was part of a writing and drama group. But, she’s been reading the likes of Shakespeare and Poe since late elementary school and enjoys most forms of fiction. Blood’s Voice has been a long time in coming and with its publication (June 1st 2011) Áine embarked on a new chapter in her life.
What's better than one giveaway two. 2 is always better than 1 so make sure to fill out both rafflecopters below.
Places to find Blood's Voice
I just love your site and am honoured to be here today. Thank you for hosting 'Blood's Voice'
I love books with vampires, werewolves, Oh My
I like books with vampires. I like vampires because they're dangerous.
I do not like books with vampires - I LOVE books with vampires. I love books with all forms of supernatural, saving the day, kicking some baddie ###, and perhaps some steamy to round it out. I can never figure out the scavenger hunt look for the image thing LOL but I wish everybody good luck and I get to enjoy the posts.
I think the vampires are attractive in fiction because of their strength and that sense of other that is so far from our everyday life :)
In the books they are romantic and mysterious
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I would love to hear your thoughts. :) HAPPY READING !!!!