Author/s: Katie Salidas & Willsin Rowe
Series: Stand Alone
Genre: Erotica
Publisher: Excessica Publishing
Release Date: Oct 4 2012
Edition: Kindle
Source: Authors in Exchange for honest review.

It’s Friday night, and expert business accountant Tamsin Clair is trapped in tax season hell. Snowed under with her incompetent boss’s late invoices, she dreams of a life with less stress and more meaning.
Gorgeous Aussie plant technician Barry McCracken doesn't much enjoy his Friday night workload either. But he always looks forward to his little chats with the super-hot accountant he respectfully calls “Ms. Clair”.
Barry’s broad accent and relaxed speech has most Americans believing he’s a little mentally-challenged, affectionately earning him the nickname "Slowpoke".
Tamsin knows better. Left alone in the office together, the two find they have much more in common than just crazy work hours.
But can Tamsin trust the hunky Aussie with her secret...a secret that is guaranteed to change how he feels about her?
WARNING: This title contains graphic language, sexual situations, Australian slang and a healthy disregard for the taxation system.
I love the dynamic duo of Katie Salidas and Willsin Rowe. They have definitely found a nice little niche and it works well because they keep put out oh so sweet sexy reads that will leave you wanting more .....errr wet. :)
Nothing like a little office fun after hours. When Tamsin and Bazz explore more of each other than the work they are supposed to be doing. Tamsin gets to find out first hand why everyone around the office calls the plant technician Barry (Bazz) slowpoke. Only she does not realize that the nickname slowpoke is way more than a nickname for the way he speaks.
Barry is aware of the nickname slowpoke but it does not bother him because he has a reputation to maintain. His speech maybe slow at least to Americans but there are other reasons behind the nickname that follows him around and Tamsin is about to find out in the best way possible first hand. Sorry no spoilers her but ladies I promise you will need a cold shower afterwards. We will all want a slowpoke in our midst.
This book has graphic language and some hot sex scenes that will leave you wanting to be satisfied yourself.
Places to find Katie
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