Author: Alexia Purdy
Series: Reign of Blood
Genre: YA/Paranormal/Urban Fantasy/ Dystopian
Publisher: Lyrical Lit. Publishing
Release Date: April 29 2012
Edition/Formats Available In: Ebook & Print

My name is April Tate and my blood is the new gold. Vampires and hybrids have overrun my world, once vibrant with life, but now a graveyard of death shrouded in shadows. I fight to survive; I fight for my mother and brother. The journey is full of turns that I am quite unprepared for. And I'm just hoping to make it to the next Vegas sunrise..."
In a post-apocalyptic world, a viral epidemic has wiped out most of the earth’s population, leaving behind few humans but untold numbers of mutated vampires. April is a seventeen-year-old girl who lives in the remains of Las Vegas one year after the outbreak. She has become a ferocious vampire killer and after her family is abducted, she goes searching for them. What she finds is a new breed of vampire, unlike any she has seen before. Unsure of whom she can trust, she discovers that her view of the world is not as black and white as she once thought, and she's willing to bend the rules to rescue her family. But in trying to save them, she may only succeed in bringing her fragile world crashing down around her.

Where did the inspiration for this story come from? What is the story behind the story so to speak?
I had a dream one night, walking down a street of buildings infested with vampire/zombie like creatures, staring at me, drooling and awaiting for the darkness to jump down and devour my blood. Yeah, it’s pretty vivid. I did also enjoy I am legend, both the movie and the story, which is actually a novella. It was awesome. I use it more as an inspiration rather than fan fiction of any sort. I love the desolation both give off.
Tell us about the book cover. How does it represent your book? How did you choose the artwork?
I wanted it to be eerie, desolate and have Las Vegas as a main focus on it. I worked with Stephanie Mooney to create the mood and she nailed it for me. I used some photography that my brother took of the Las Vegas skyline and it turned out fabulous. It represents the book almost to the tee. I wanted April on it with her signature dual machetes that she loves to wield. It reeks bad-ass chick all over it.
Where do the ideas for your books come from?
I have pretty vivid dreams, I take from those and expand them to novels. I enjoy reading a lot and get a ton of inspiration from reading. I do not copy from others, rather, I enjoy studying others writing styles. I pretty much make it all up in my head, yes it’s a crazy place in there.
Have you ever co-written book/books? If so was it difficult? If not would you ever consider co-writing with another author?
I did do some co-writing on Beyond the Never Anthology. It wasn’t too difficult but I had to change gears into a mode in which I continue an idea rather than just make it up myself. That was a bit difficult but it worked out well. I had some awesome co-authors, we mesh very well.
Where do you get your character names from?
I do some research online for faery names, others I love, others I have gotten from movies I have watched. I watch a lot of B-grade movies, Foreign films and independent features so I really get to hear some unusual names from these. If all else fails, I have a baby name book lying around.
What type of research goes into your writing?
I do some research such as weapons research, faery folklore, city map searches and stuff. I did speak with an expert on weapons for Reign of Blood, it was fun and very interesting. It takes some time to research but I do a lot of it from past knowledge of things and places right out of my memories.
Are your family and friends supportive of your writing?
For the most part, yes. Most have not read my stuff because I am an anomaly in my family, I’m like the only reader. LOL.
Do you remember when your interest in writing came about?
I was a reader first, since like kindergarten. I just always loved the way reading made me feel, to escape into my own worlds. I wanted to do that for other people, write out my own worlds that swim in my head for others to enjoy.
Other then writing what are your interests?
I love to read, of course. I love all kinds of music, I love to travel, though that is kind of hard with my four kids. I enjoy art and meeting new people.
Did you learn anything from writing your books, if so what was it?
I’ve learned tons! If not grammar skills alone! I have learned how to wear many hats with writing. I can format, make book covers, blog, use html somewhat, make banners, all sorts of stuff. Even with writing, I’ve learned how not to use some words, commas, italics etc. It’s definitely not an easy job to be a writer. It’s way harder than it seems.
What are your current WIP? Can you share with us?
My current WIPs, I have a few. LOL. I am working on Ever Winter (A Dark Faerie Tale #3), The Fall of Sky and Melt For Me. All three are fighting for attention so It’s not easy to get much done lately.
Food – Italian and Mexican food
Color - Yellow
Quote - “You don't have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great.”
― Les Brown
Movie – Gone with the Wind
Music – Right now it’s Anna Nalick
This or That
Day or Night - Night
Rain or Snow - Rain
Facebook or Twitter- Facebook
Mac or PC – never owned a Mac so PC
Coffee or Tea - Tea
Alexia currently lives in Las Vegas, Nevada–Sin City! She loves to spend every free moment writing or playing with her four rambunctious kids. Writing has always been her dream and she has been writing ever since she can remember. She loves writing paranormal fantasy and poetry and devours books daily. Alexia also enjoys watching movies, dancing, singing loudly in the car and Italian food.
Places to find Alexia
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