I would love to welcome the Awesome & Kick Ass Adrian Phoenix author of The Maker’s Song Series and The HooDoo Series to the blog today. (FAN~GIRL MOMENT SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE) This is an awesome birthday gift having you visit me today. Maybe if I am lucky Dante will stop by. :)
I had the privilege to interview Adrian and I am going to share that with you now along with a book spotlight on On Midnight Wings book 5 in The Maker's Song Series. Adrian is also giving 2 LUCKY Winners a copy of any of her books that are out I will List Them Below
Adrian can you
please tell us a little bit about yourself?
Adrian: First, let me wish you a very happy birthday, Anna! I’ve
heard rumors that Dante plans to drop by on Twitter on your special day (Well,
I guess it’d be evening since he’ll be Sleeping during the day.) And thanks so
much for having me. As for about me, not much to say, really. I’m a writer
(duh), I love reading, watching movies, and trying to think up ways to
entertain my feline brood. LOL.
What do you come up with first in
starting a story: Title? Characters? Plot? Setting? Conflict?
Adrian: I always start with characters. Everything revolves
around the characters. The setting is second, then the plot. Title is dead
last. Sometimes a what-if idea will spark the whole thing.
Who or what is your inspiration?
Adrian: Music is generally my inspiration. Lyrics and songs
trigger various emotions and images. Some of my favorites are NIN, Linkin Park,
Anders Manga, C.C. Adcock and tons of movie soundtracks and scores.
What keeps you writing?
Adrian: I love it. And now that I have readers, all of you keep
me writing too. J
How long have you been writing?
Adrian: Since school. I used to write angsty teen short stories
for my sisters and my friends. LOL. I
guess things haven’t changed all that much.
Is there a genre you wouldn’t write
in? Why?
Adrian: No, not really. I would write in whatever genre my story
belonged in.
Is there a genre you would like to
write in that you have not done yet? Why?
Adrian: I’ve written in several different genres, just haven’t
published in them yet. I love historicals (paranormal and not), and mysteries.
I plan to publish stories that I’ve written in those genres under different
names so readers will know what to expect when they pick up a book/story under
that name.
Authors have their ups and downs –
choosing whether or not to self publish or try traditional route, dry spells
(writers block), or just the real life chaos that demands their attention – has
there ever been a moment you thought to yourself “ why in the hell am I doing
this “? Since we are having this interview we know you worked out the problem,
how did you get past it?
Adrian: I think self-publishing and traditional are both valid
paths and have followed both. I plan to self-publish more of my short stories.
No, there’s never been a time when I wondered why I was writing—that has never
been in doubt or an issue. For me, I’ve had more difficulties with time
management and health issues. The pulmonary embolism I survived in 2009 had a
huge impact on me, a larger one than I even realized at the time. Between day
jobs, deadlines, and life, time management has been my bane—something I’m
working on improving every day. J
Any WIP? Care to share it with us?
Adrian: I’m working on book 6 of The Maker’s Song and then I’ll
be jumping into book 3 of the Hoodoo series. I hope to squeeze in the time to
start the first book in The Sons of Darkness series too. J
Here’s links to the opening chapters in a couple of my books:
You can read a chapter from the first
book in The Maker’s Song series. Here’s a link to the first chapter of A Rush of Wings.
Here’s the first chapter of Black Dust Mambo. (Hoodoo Book 1)
And the first two chapters of Black Heart Loa. (Hoodoo Book 2)
Do you have a particular time or
place that makes writing easier?
Adrian: Nope. I prefer my own office, of course, but I’ll take
any time that’s available since I’ve got a full-time day job at the moment.
I’ve even used lunch hours and breaks to work on my current project.
Have you ever co-written
book/books? If so was it difficult? If not would you ever consider co-writing with
another author?
Adrian: No, I haven’t. But I’d be willing, depending on the
co-author. I’d love to write with Jeaniene Frost or D.B. Reynolds.
Do you remember when your interest
in writing came about?
Adrian: Not an exact moment, no. I’ve always loved reading since
the first moment I learned how and the desire to write just evolved naturally
from there.
Any parting words for aspiring
authors readers and or fans?
Adrian: Just always be true to yourself and follow your heart.
You truly can do anything you set your heart and mind on. I also want to thank
everyone for their support, love, and patience during this last difficult year.
It means more to me than you know. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love
Happy Birthday, Anna!!
Just for FUN
Mac or PC? PC.
Twitter or Facebook? Facebook (though
I like Twitter too).
Tea of Coffee? Coffee.
Favorite Adult Beverage? Red wine.
Favorite Quote? A lyric from
Muse: “Don’t waste time or time will waste you.”
Favorite Movie? Well, one of my
favorites is: MegaMind.
Title: On Midnight Wings
Author: Adrian Phoenix
Series: The Maker's Song (#5)
Genre: Paranormal/Urban Fantasy
Publisher: Pocket
Release Date: Oct. 1 2013
Editions/Formats It Will Be Available In: E~Book and Print
As Dante Baptiste’s true identity as both True Blood and Fallen ripples throughout New Orleans, he and Heather struggle for their lives against different foes, fighting their way back to each other. To free herself from her father’s treachery, Heather accepts help from an ally–and steps into even greater danger. Dante, lost to his brutal past, wavers between his own sense of self and the Bad Seed-programmed S that lurks within, between the never-ending Road and the Great Destroyer. And the danger of becoming both.
Lucien searches frantically for the lovers, all too aware that time is running out. Dark forces continue to gather, eager to possess and manipulate the young vampire for their own ends. The fate of mortals, nightkind, and the Fallen pivots around Dante as he struggles to piece together his shattered psyche and gain control of his power before he rips all three worlds asunder.
Where did the inspiration for this story come from? What is the story behind the story so to speak?
This is the fifth book in the series, so it continues from what went before. LOL. But the inspiration for the story that began in the first book of the series, A Rush of Wings, was the NIN album, The Downward Spiral. The music gave birth to Dante, then his world fell into place.
Tell us about the book cover. How does it represent your book? How did you choose the artwork?
I didn’t choose the artwork, the publisher does that. I think the art (by Craig White) is wonderful and represents the characters well enough. Would I do them differently, sure. But I’m happy with the art.
Where can readers find out more about you and your work?
The Maker's Song Series
A Rush of Wings (#1)
In The Blood (#2)
Beneath The Skin (#3)
Etched In Bone (#4)
The Hoodoo Series
Black Dust Mambo (#1)
Black Heart Loa (#2)
Caught Forever Between (#2.5) E~Book Only Available For This One

I love to read and see movies, enjoy hiking with my granddog, Cielo, (immortalized in Black Dust Mambo and Black Heart Loa), and hanging out with friends.
I also love creepy things and yearns to go on a paranormal investigation. I also hope to do a haunted tour one day.
I also love, love, love music – and anything by Trent Reznor is high on the list. I also love to hear from my readers and fans, So please feel free to contact me via my website or any other social media.
Happy Birthday Anna *shakes can of silly string*.
Great Interview Adrian. I have been saying it for years Dante and Raphael need to meet up. Of course a story with Dante, Heather, Cat and Bones wouldn't be bad either. But, my vote still goes with Raphael because he is my favorite vampire lord.
Happy birthday Anna! Great interview Adrian. I'm looking forward to more Dante. It's been a long wait but so worth it :-)
Happy Birthday, Anna!!!
Awesome interview! I have read all of the Maker's Song series to date and oh do I LOVE Dante!!! Heather is so lucky! ;)
The cliffhanger at the end of Etched In Bone is killing me. Lol. This series is definitely one of my favorites!
I am curious if we will see more of Heather's sister and her story in On Midnight Wings? I want to see where that goes.
So...when will Dante be on Twitter, or have I missed him?
I just recently picked up The Hoodoo Series, but haven't had the chance to read them yet.
I have all of these books except Caught Forever Between.
I am a huge fan of NIN also, and love how Dante was inspired by one of my favorite albums!
Thank you so much for sharing and for the giveaway!
I think my favorite urban fantasy read right now is the Dresden Files books, closely followed by the Hollows series.
These series look awesome! I have not yet read anything by this author, but now I need to add everything to my goodreads list! If I win, I would like the first book in either series please to get me started! :)
I have not read any of Adrian's work as of yet. Big fan of The Hunter Kiss novels by Marjorie M. Liu and The Charlie Madigan series by Kelly Gay.
Both wonderful writers, Kassandra. I like those series too.
Thanks for dropping by, Tiffany!
More great series. :)
Thanks for joining us, Tina! And thanks for all your kind words. Dante has not been on Twitter yet and won't be until sunset in New Orleans, so you can still catch him.
You will see more of Annie in On Midnight Wings. :)
I am a big Laurell K Hamilton Fan!!! I have not read any of Adrian's work, but I would LOVE too as it looks like my kind of stuff!! :) Thank you for the awesome giveaway!
I have not started reading any of Adrian's books yet, but I'm hoping to soon. I would like to start with the first book in the series.
I haven't read any of Adrian's books :( Shame on me! I dont really have a favorite Urban Fantasy read and I would love to win ANY of Adrian's books!!
Ashley A
I've read a few of Adrian's books including this series and enjoyed them all. If I'm the winner of the drawing I'd want a book from this series (the maker's song).
Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I think I might have the first 3 books in my TBR pile. I'd have to go look. I feel like a big reader fail! B/c I picked them up but never started. After reading this great post I'm definitely going to go find them and get started!
Holy wow! First I've heard of this author and these books! A Rush of Wings would be my first choice - it sounds amazing!
My favorite urban fantasy so far would be the Fever series by Karen Marie Moning.
I haven't read any of her books yet, but I would like to! I would choose "A Rush of Wings" because I always like to read the first one in the series. I think the only real urban fantasy I've read is "City of Bones." I really liked it and can't wait to read more of this genre.
Thanks for the giveaway!
mestith at gmail dot com
Definitely Fever by KMM!!! I would love to win the first book in the series. I love starting at the beginning! I have never read any of her books but if Anna recommended her, she must rock!!
I have read Rush of Wings and the Hoodoo series and really enjoy them. I would either choose In the Blood or Caught Forever Between, as I am really a Kindle gal :) Thank you for sharing with us. I hope your birthday was lovely and may the coming year bring you joy and loads of good books.
I have read and love all of Adrian's currently published books from both series!! I await On Midnight Wings with baited breath!
As long as you keep writing Adrian, I will keep reading!!!
First..how in the world can cam you work and then on a lunch break write a book..lol..I could never do that. She's pretty awesome :) I have read the whole Maker's song series :) I LOVE Dante. It's been a while since I've read them and he still lurks in my head. awesome character. If I'm picked I'd love to have book 2 from the coo-doo series...Black Heart Loa.
Oh my...pick a favorite....can't do it. Right now I'm reading Chloe Neill. I love the Maker's Song series!! Getting ready to read it again before the new book comes out. Would love A Rush of Wings.
I love all of Adrian ’s books. I can't wait for book 5. I think I'd like the second book in the HooDoo series. Thanks.
I love the Maker's Song series.
I love the Maker's Song Series. And I'd have to say In The Blood was amazing. If I got picked I would love Etched in Bone.
I would love to win On Midnight Wings. I have followed Dante and Heather's story since book one. I adore it and cannot wait to see what Adrian has in store for us this time ard.
Don't have a favor UF read. Haven't read this author's books yet.
I've read a few of her books, A Rush Of Wings was probably my favorite. If I win I'd love to get On Midnight Wings.
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