Author: Dan Wright
Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: Pandragon Publishing
Release Date: February 25 2013

Benji Dragonkin aspires to be a hero, just like his mother - Queen Daniar Dragonkin. He wants to become a famous warrior so that he can save the day - and win the heart of his long time friend, Lydia Taurok. But with his mother being overly protective of him, and a dark side to his father that threatens to tear their family apart, Benji has a long way to go just yet.
Zarracka Dragonkin, still a prisoner of Daniar, plots her revenge against her sister - and Benji may just be the key to her victory.
And in the land of Drewghaven, the Kthonian Knights arise once more, determined to once again bring forth their revenge against the men of the world. Their leader, Jihadain, seeks to settle old scores with Daniar - and break her spirit in the process.
With villains gathering and allies faltering, Benji sees this as a chance to prove himself a true warrior. But even more harrowing is a warning that his mother receives, forshadowing a greater evil:
"She is coming..."
Importance of Pre and Post Beta Readers, Critique Partners and Technical Advisors
As much as I love writing, I must say the one thing I HATE about it is the editing and proofreading process! It has always been the bane of my life for any book I've written.
Now in the past, and even a bit today, I used to do all my own editing, mainly because I couldn't really afford a professional proofreader Like any naive young buck, I used to think “how hard can it be?” But let me tell you, nothing is more annoying than reading through your book after it’s released (having gone through it hundreds of times with a fine tooth comb), only to discover a hundred different typos that you missed out! And believe me, this has happened to me a couple of times before, so I try to make sure my books are edited and cleaned up as much as possible.
This is why I recommend having other people read and edit your work BEFORE you go into the printing and publishing stages – especially if you're a self-published author. Whilst many readers are quite forgiving to the odd typo and formatting mistake here and there, nothing puts off a reader more than reading a book that is full of spelling mistakes, formatting issues and terrible grammar. I know because I have read a lot of books like that in the past and it really grates on me. It can also become annoying for potential readers if you have to constantly take your books off market to re-edit them.
Having a second pair of eyes on your work can really be a great help and take some of the strain off you. Let’s face it, when you've read through the same thing after a few times, you're going to get tired and possibly miss things out in the editing stages. But also, having another person read it to analyse the plot overall (i.e., story, characters, etc) can really be a great chance to spot any potential plot holes or things that will damage your story. Another pair of eyes can help spot things you may have missed. On this note, I remember one of the guys who did an advanced review of my book also sent through a list of mistakes and typos he noticed – so it was great that he did that for me and he found stuff that I missed completely. Some of the things he found I ended up face palming and thinking “How could I have missed that?”
Now, one school of thought states that you're better off hiring professional beta readers, proof readers, critique partners and such like. But the truth of the matter is that not everyone can afford to pay for those kind of services. Not to mention that some of those professionals charge a high price for their services. Whilst I’m sure that many of them are amazingly good, sometimes I think that you don’t have to really pay a huge amount just for that privilege of having your work proofread and critiqued. All you really need is someone with a good grasp of grammar who can point out your mistakes and make you aware of them, giving you a chance to correct them.
For myself, my critics/editors are my parents. Now, you may think that may be counterproductive, given that parents will usually support their children – but my parents can be quite brutally honest! My dad will always read my work like a reader and comment on it as he feels is right. And sometimes he can be very critical of my work and be quick to let me know what I've done wrong. My mother is also extremely good at English and very quick to point out any grammatical mistakes I've made – which is why I use her as my proof-reader. Together my parents make a pretty good team and I know that I can always rely on them to be honest and critical when they read my writing. Like I said, they don't often hold back and sometimes it can be pretty hurtful, although I know they don't tend to be. That being said, the way I see it, if I can’t take the criticism of my own parents, then what chance do I have of taking criticism of the general public?
If you’re going into the world of being an author, regardless of whether your professionally or self-published, I strongly advise that you get yourself an editing team. They don't have to be professional readers or editors (although if you can afford that then fair play), just someone that can read your work and let you know of any potential problems your book may have. Believe me when I say that you'll save yourself a lot of trouble in the long run if you can eliminate any and all problems before going into print.

Dan also runs his own website, blog and even a wiki page that goes into detail of the world of Draconica. He is also a reviewer for the website Read2Review and also reviews books independently on his own website.
Authors who have inspired Dan are Douglas Adams, J.R.R Tolkien, Harlan Ellison, Alan Moore, Joss Whedon, H.P Lovecraft, George R.R Martin and Hiromu Arakawa.
Places to find Dan
Places to find Legacy of Dragonkin
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