Author: Mary Ting
Series: Crossroads Saga (#1)
Publisher: World Castle Publishing
Release Date: July 29 2011

Claudia Emerson has a good friend who shares the same first name and last name. That friend unfortunately dies in a tragic accident during homecoming dance. Claudia is distraught at the loss of her friend, but is even more disturbed by her dreams, which seem to take her to another place called Crossroads. Unknown to her, Crossroads is like a second heaven, a place between heaven and earth. It is where the souls of humans in comas or near death experiences may wander.
There, Claudia meets Michael, a nephilim, a half angel, half human, whom she often meets in her dreams. It turns out that this isn't her first visit to Crossroads, which is an enigma for no human can ever travel there until Claudia. Now the fallen and demons are after her, suspecting she must be special and it is up to Michael and the other nephilims to protect her.
Can Michael fight his growing feelings for Claudia and protect her as a guardian angel should? The answer awaits you! Follow the exciting path to Crossroads!

Title: Between
Author: Mary Ting
Series: Crossroads Saga (#2)
Publisher: World Castle Publishing
Release Date: Jan 9 2012

As the alkins head back to Crossroads, Claudia leads her normal life; but not for long. Having a special soul, Claudia attracts danger, and she soon finds out who Gamma asked to watch over her. The Twelve, known as Divine Elders on Earth, are very much involved when they find out that Aliah, one of the God's first angels, escaped from the Abyss when the gates were opened by Aden. Needing Claudia's soul to escape the only place Aliah can reside-a place between Heaven and Earth-he sends his demons in search of all Claudia Emersons on Earth. Taking her soul will enable him to be released from Between and cross over to Crossroads, which would give him immense power. As more secrets are revealed Claudia learns about the venators-nephilim, demon hunters. Now two opposing forces must work together in order to save Claudia and humanity from the most dangerous angel ever created. But along the way, trust becomes a big issue. Will love be enough to keep Claudia and Michael together? Who will make the ultimate sacrifice? Who will betray them all?
Title: Beyond
Author: Mary Ting
Series: Crossroads Saga (#3)
Publisher: World Castle Publishing
Release Date: Sept 22 2012
Author: Mary Ting
Series: Crossroads Saga (#3)
Publisher: World Castle Publishing
Release Date: Sept 22 2012

Torn between the past she can't remember and a future she isn't ready for, Claudia feels at a loss. With unanswered questions, she is certain there is more to her past than just being a venator. Finding the missing pieces in her life won't be easy because duty calls. When mysterious dark shadows get released, an apocalypse sets in motion. The venators and the alkins must work together once again. Knowing Claudia would be the key to destroying the demons that were released, a familiar stranger appears to protect her. Drawn to the beautiful angel, Claudia finds she must unravel the mysteries of her past in order to help save the world. Who is the angel assisting her and why does she feel a strong connection to him? Time is running out. Will she discover all the secrets before it's too late?
Let's Welcome Mary Ting to the blog today?
Mary Ting resides in Southern California with her husband and two children. She enjoys oil painting and making jewelry. Writing Crossroads was a way to grieve the death of her beloved grandmother. It was inspired by a dream she once had as a young girl.
Crossroads Saga—Crossroads, Between, Beyond, and Eternity-(coming soon)
What made you want to write Crossroads?
One of my inspirations for writing this novel was my grandmother. Writing was a way for me to heal. Another inspiration was my dreams I had in high school. I can vividly recall all the details of them, which comprises chapter one and two.
What was your inspiration for the setting of the book?
The setting of the book was based on a dream I had in high school. I thought if I started from there, something that happened to me, I could create an interesting story. In my dream, I crossed over to sea of clouds. I knew I was somewhere between life and death. This light told me to go back because it wasn’t my turn. When I woke up, I found out that my friend who had the same first and last name passed away in a car accident. Since I came back, I’ve always wondered what would have happened if I stayed or what I would have seen. So I made it up.
Which character speaks the loudest, to you? Do any of them clamor to be heard over the others?
I would have to say Davin and I believe his fans would say the same. He speaks his mind and he’s not afraid to say it. He’s funny, curious about the human world, and he loves his friends.
Have you based any of your characters on someone you know, or real events in your own life? Yes…Claudia is more like me and the experiences she has are similar to mine. Chapters one and two of Crossroads are based on dreams I had in high school. All other characters like Gamma, Davin, Patty, Maggie, Kristina, Caleb, and Agnes are based on people I know or knew.
How did you come up with the title? I didn’t have to think hard. In my dream I crossed over and that is where the story begins. The funny thing is…one of the freeways I take has an exit called Crossroads…lol! Hmmm…maybe it was a sign?
Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?
Yes…don’t let life pass you by. Enjoy the moment and do everything with your heart. You don’t want to regret. Regret can eat you alive.
Do you have plans for a new book? Is this book part of a series?
Crossroads is four book series. Eternity book 4 is coming out soon. I have also written Children’s chapter books (Zoey’s Adventures—Big Things Comes In Small Packages and No Bullies Allowed. I’ve finished book one to a new series—young adult and I’m working on a new adult novel (blushing).
Who designed the cover of your book?
The first cover was black with white wing shaped as a heart. We wanted to have the book apeal to more younger readers since it’s a young adult novel so my publisher and I changed it.
Do you prefer ebooks, paperbacks or hardcover?
I prefer both actually…depending on my mood. When I ride my exercise bike, travel, or take it out of the house, I prefer the kindle. But there is something about the smell of new book and the texture that makes me feel giddy…like I just received a present…lol!
Have you ever suffered from a "writer's block"?
What did you do to get past the "block"? I believe all authors do at one point. I take a break. I walk away from the story until it comes to me.
What book are you currently reading and in what format (ebook/paperback/hardcover)?
Softcover—Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire
Do you write under a pen name?
No, but for my new adult novel I will be. Got any suggestion on names?
Just For Fun
Cats or dogs?
Dogs…I have a maltese name Mochi
White Wine or Red?
Coffee or Tea?
Tea and I only like Starbucks hazelnut coffee.
Favorite Food?
I love to eat…so all.
Vanilla or Chocolate Ice Cream?
I started writing Crossroads after my grandmother passed away about 3 years ago. When these characters came to life in my mind, along with the character Gamma, inspired by my grandmother, it was a way for me to heal. I decided to start from a dream I had in high school, chapter one. Chapter two is also based on my dream as well. I didn't think I would have much to write about, but when I made Claudia to be more like me, it was easy. Her first car, her first job, her first experience at camping and her grandmother having a stroke was all part of me. Too bad Michael wasn't!!!
Many people like Davin, which I'm really happy about because his character was inspired by my friend who passed away. He was very likable and was a best friend to all his friends. Patty is my friend from church. She is exactly how I described her, social butterfly who knows everything about her friends and fashion. I named Claudia after a student I once had many years ago. I can still picture her face, just like an angel. When I was much younger, I had a crush on a boy name Michael, but his character is based off my husband, protective, romantic, and silly at times. No... he doesn't have!!!
Though I was busy with work, being a wife, a mother, and PTA president, I would always find time to write, even if that meant typing while I was cooking or brushing my teeth. Crossroads was written for a fast, fun reading with likable characters. Many have emailed me to let me know how Crossroads has helped them escaped from their everyday stress. Also, how they've connected to this book because of chapter one, having a loved one passed away. I took on a journey not knowing how rewarding it would be for me. I've meet so many wonderful people from all over the world through facebook, goodreads and blog sites. I've made everlasting friendship where friendship knows no boundaries. And I have to thank my grandmother who continues to watch over me from Heaven.
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