Author: Brae Wyckoff
Series: The Horn King Series
Genre: Fantasy/YA
Publisher: LR Publishing
Release Date: Nov. 17 2012

In the hundreds of years since the Holy City disappeared, darkness has fallen over the land. Human kingdoms have seized control of the realm, scattering the other races into hiding.
Bridazak, a skilled thief, and his friends, a Dwarf and a fellow Ordakian, have dared to remain within the human communities and live relatively quiet lives, until they discover a mysterious, magical artifact. The three friends are thrust into an adventure that will challenge their faith, their purpose, and their destiny as they chase a forgotten and lost prophecy across the realm of Ruauck-El, where they hope to discover the origins of the strange item and their place in its history.
An ancient, unknown enemy threatens the completion of their journey at every turn. Bridazak is about to face the biggest adventure of his life, one that may change the known realm, and answer the questions he has carried all his life. Will they unlock the truth?
I am pleased to have Brae Wyckoff the author of the epic fantasy, The Orb of Truth, with me today.
Brae Wyckoff was born and raised in San Diego, CA and is working toward a Psychology degree. He has been married to his beautiful wife, Jill, for 20 years, and they have three children; Tommy, Michelle, and Brittany. He has a beautiful grandson named Avery. Brae has been an avid gamer since 1985. His passion for mysterious realms and the supernatural inspired him to write The Orb of Truth, the first in a series of fantasy action adventures. Brae describes The Orb of Truth as a cross between the Lord of the Rings and the Wizard of OZ where you will be swept away into a magical land of Dwarves, Elves, and Halflings.
**Please tell us a little bit about yourself. Where do you live, etc.? When did you start writing?
I live in beautiful San Diego, CA. I have been writing for over 20 years but it was the last two years that I have aggressively decided to go full time.
**Tell us a little about the book and where did you get the idea to write this story.
The Orb of Truth is a classic adventure set in a realm filled with good vs evil, magic, and intrigue. I love to take my readers on an incredible journey where they will be whisked away from reality and become friends with the rich characters of Ruauck-El. If you love Lord of the Rings then you will love The Orb of Truth, first book of the series. The sequel is due out later this year (2013) and is called The Dragon God.
The idea came to me in a vision several years back and since then it has longed to be set free and written. Well, it finally happened and now everyone gets to enjoy the adventure that I was divinely taken on.
**What advice would you give to aspiring writers?
Write what you know, write what you are passionate about, and write with excellence. Get your work professionally edited and get your book cover professionally designed. You are leaving behind a piece of you for the world so make sure it is the best it can be. Invest in yourself.
**Are you panster (write by the seat of your pants) or plotter? How do you write?
I outline my books from beginning to the end. This gives me the structure to work from. Now, at the same time, while I write, the story will evolve and will change along the way, but the storyline never changes. I know what needs to be told and that is what I go after. I’m a storyteller and love to engage the readers in such a way that they feel like they are on the adventure as well.
**Do you have a character in one of your books that continues to haunt you at night or surprised you when you wrote the book?
Each of my characters have surprised me and continue to do so. I guess the main character, Bridazak, a Halfling, has surprised me most and it is his story that I truly relate to. Bridazak longs for meaning in his life and wants to know his purpose in the world. This is something that I was plagued with growing up until my destiny was finally revealed to me. I’m now walking that path out with my characters.
**What route did you take for publication?
I created my own publishing company! LR Publishing.
The idea behind it was to have my own control and to help other authors along the way of the crazy world of publishing. Once I branded myself I then went through the giant of the industry, Amazon.
**Do you write full time or work outside of the home?
I write FT currently along with my own businesses that I run out of my home. I am also a radio host for Broadcast Muse blog talk radio. I’m always involved with something.
**How do you balance writing and everyday life?
You would think that I could get a lot of writing done at home, which I do, but I find I can get more done when taking my laptop out on the road. Vacations are a great place for me to write so I plan on weekend getaways into the mountains. I also frequent my real office, Starbucks, to get more writing done.
**What’s next?
The sequel is due out later this year and is called The Dragon God. It is currently with my editor and we are tackling the story line by line. Initial beta reviewers are saying the 2nd book is better than the first, but my first love is always The Orb of Truth…the birth of the heroes of the Horn King Series.
I am divulging exclusive information at my Official Fan Club facebook page and have already introduced the fans to a new character that is sure to capture the hearts of the readers. It is gnome thief named Trillius. Make sure you go to the Fan Club and join today.
Brae Wyckoff Official Fan Club:
**Do your books have a particular theme or premise?
My books revolve around good old fashioned adventure but underlying that there is a message of hope and destiny. Each of us live by choices we make and it is no different in my books. Heroes rise and villains fall only to be replaced by new enemies.
My stories are known to make people laugh, cry, and fall in love with a new world filled with magic and intrigue.
**Anything else you would like to share with our readers?
I’m hard at work at bringing you all the best epic fantasy series that can stand toe to toe with the greats. I’m writing the 3rd book now called The Vampire King and it is scheduled to be released in 2014.
I love to hear from the fans so please be sure to contact me.
Here is a scene in The Orb of Truth with the heroes trying to find out information by seeking a creature that “knows of magic beyond magic itself”.
“Who dares to enter my domain?” The deep voice bellowed.
Bridazak hesitated before speaking up, “I'm Bridazak and these are my friends. We seek an audience with The Great Oculus.”
The voice thundered once more, “Two ordakians and a dwarf, in a place they should not be. Many seek my voice, but find only fated death. What has brought you to the door of oblivion?”
“A mystery, one that came from my dream. We seek your help, oh Great One,” said the Ordakian.
“Show me what has turned from a dream into reality."
Bridazak produced the ornate box in his small hands, and began to speak, "We don't know what the writing—"
“Silence!” The ground shook under their feet. “I know what you seek, but you must answer my riddle. If you are correct, then I will reveal to you the meaning of this gift. If you fail, then you will be sent to the grave. There will be no rest inside the gates of the netherworld, your soul will thirst for death again for all eternity and generations forthcoming will never know you existed."
“What about my friends?”
“You came here together as one accord and you will live or die in the same manner. Your riddle is this, little-one:
Rigid but born to perfection
I wonder who brought me my blissful conception
I am gazed upon by many lonely eyes
Standing there to be portrayed with lies
There are questions that surround me
Thinking, feeling, hearing, I can see
No movement comes from within
I am forsaken because I lack earthly skin
So true is my heart without a beat
Now I drink the rainwater, tasting bittersweet
Crafted by art in life's forgiving hand
Brought from afar to this known fatherland
Trying to find the meaning of my existence
A voice comes here and there showing the eminence
The task performed in drought of the grandmaster
Born in stillness could have been my disaster
Braving the depth of a complex web
Weaved and woven in the delight of the ebb
Now and forever in eternal agony's darkness
Never to move to touch, only to feel a sweet caress.
Of what do I speak?”
Bridazak hesitated before speaking up, “I'm Bridazak and these are my friends. We seek an audience with The Great Oculus.”
The voice thundered once more, “Two ordakians and a dwarf, in a place they should not be. Many seek my voice, but find only fated death. What has brought you to the door of oblivion?”
“A mystery, one that came from my dream. We seek your help, oh Great One,” said the Ordakian.
“Show me what has turned from a dream into reality."
Bridazak produced the ornate box in his small hands, and began to speak, "We don't know what the writing—"
“Silence!” The ground shook under their feet. “I know what you seek, but you must answer my riddle. If you are correct, then I will reveal to you the meaning of this gift. If you fail, then you will be sent to the grave. There will be no rest inside the gates of the netherworld, your soul will thirst for death again for all eternity and generations forthcoming will never know you existed."
“What about my friends?”
“You came here together as one accord and you will live or die in the same manner. Your riddle is this, little-one:
Rigid but born to perfection
I wonder who brought me my blissful conception
I am gazed upon by many lonely eyes
Standing there to be portrayed with lies
There are questions that surround me
Thinking, feeling, hearing, I can see
No movement comes from within
I am forsaken because I lack earthly skin
So true is my heart without a beat
Now I drink the rainwater, tasting bittersweet
Crafted by art in life's forgiving hand
Brought from afar to this known fatherland
Trying to find the meaning of my existence
A voice comes here and there showing the eminence
The task performed in drought of the grandmaster
Born in stillness could have been my disaster
Braving the depth of a complex web
Weaved and woven in the delight of the ebb
Now and forever in eternal agony's darkness
Never to move to touch, only to feel a sweet caress.
Of what do I speak?”

Title: The Dragon God
Author: Brae Wyckoff
Series: The Horn King Series
Genre: Fantasy/YA
Publisher: LR Publishing

As the heroes of Ruauck-El emerged triumphantly in The Orb of Truth, the first book in the Four Horn series, they could not have imagined that an even greater evil still lay ahead of them.
Raina has discovered a new threat to the realm, and teleported King El'Korr - against his wishes - to the West Horn King's capital city, Tuskabar, in hopes of thwarting an evil Mystic's plan to acquire the five dragon stones. Each relic harbors an ancient dragon spirit, and, if combined, would unleash a multi-headed deity beyond imagination, to begin a reign of terror upon Ruauck-El.
Meanwhile, Bridazak and friends are in search of Spilfer Teehle's missing family. Their quest leads them to visit old enemies, travel through beautiful but deadly locations, and will ultimately take them on an adventure of new discoveries of themselves.
Each group is on their own mission, but as destiny would have it, their fates are more entwined than they could possibly know.
Internationally acclaimed author, Brae Wyckoff, brings a new depth to fantasy storytelling in The Dragon God.
Places to find Brae
Places to find The Orb of Truth
Thanks for interviewing the man :)
Thank you for having me on your blog. It was a great interview!
You are welcome and Thank You for joining Us on Read Between The Lines
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