Author: Pete Densmore
Genre: Parenting/ Relationships
Publisher: Dadspirations Press
Release Date: Aug 6 2012

DADspirations: The 1st 100 Days of Fatherhood is a fast-reading, humorous book which includes an actionable checklist of essential ideas to help inspire dads to become the best father they can be. In short, this book offers a strategy for the expecting/new father focusing on 35 weekly ideas that Dad can do for himself, his wife and his newborn. A few of these ideas, which Densmore refers to as DADspirations, include:
● Develop a baby birth time capsule, which captures all of the precious moments from a day you're likely to forget.
● Send your loving wife to the spa, which secures for you an afternoon of introducing Bob Ross and Kung Fu to your baby.
● Build a toy box, which gives you the perfect excuse to spend an entire day alone in the garage with power tools and beer.
Make up a holiday, which affords time for infant and grandma to bond, and gives you and your
wife time for nookie.
Humorist and author of DADspirations: The 1st 100 Days of Fatherhood, father of two Pete Densmore doesn’t consider himself an expert in parenthood by any means. He makes the same number of mistakes as every other parent and doesn’t have any fancy combination of letters after his name. Densmore believes that anyone can be an inspired dad
as long as he wants to put the time, effort and heart into becoming one.
Places to find Pete
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