Author: Shannan Albright
Series: Knights of Excalibur (#1)
Genre: Erotic
Publisher: Evernight Publishing
Release Date: Nov 1 2011

Merci Tramaine is not happy to be called back into service by her old boss Arthur, especially when she is charged to find her missing ex-lover. Drake Monroe is Merlin reincarnated. With his powers bound by the Goddess Nimue, he has become a skilled fighter, but is no match for Nimue who kidnapped him, determined to destroy him forever.
The bloodline of Morgan Le Fey taints Merci, keeping her on the edge between light and dark. The goddess’s wicked trap springs shut, leaving both Drake and Merci racing against the clock. Passions ignite once again, but are they too late to plan a future or will they be torn from each other?
This time for eternity.

Author: Shannan Albright
Series: Knights of Excalibur (#2)
Genre: Erotic
Publisher: Evernight Publishing
Release Date: August 1 2012

What’s worse than a pissed off Knight? Colin Hennessy.
Shifter, Knight and quick-tempered Irishman, Colin remembers vividly his past life as Sir Kay. Haunted by the woman he once loved and lost, he has spent his lives searching for his lost love to no avail. Now Arthur is back and his life once again is filled with purpose. Joined by a common goal, he lives only to protect Arthur and his fellow Knights from the twisted, black magic of Mordred.
Juliet Boyd moves among societies rich and pampered, but she holds within her a terrible secret. One Vance Hollister is determined to exploit. Mordred is back in a new skin, now as Vance Hollister and the old evil is alive and well.
Colin and Juliet are unprepared for the flare of attraction that ignites between them from across a moonlit parking lot. Dare she open herself and expose her cursed gift? Can he save Juliet from Vance’s twisted manipulations or will he lose his second chance at love? A showdown between good and evil is coming to a head with Colin and Juliet right in the middle.
Title: The King's Lady
Author: Shannan Albright
Series: Knights of Excalibur (#3)
Genre: Erotic
Publisher: Evernight Publishing
Release Date: Mar 1 2013

Arthur Penner is more than happy to aid a lady in need of help, especially if the woman is targeted by his nemesis Vance Hollister. The fact the lady in question turns out to be not only a powerful witch, but a gorgeous red head with a wealth of curves that don’t quit? Even better.
What he isn’t prepared for is the discovery that the woman just happens to be his reincarnated Queen Gwenivere, and worse, she has no memory of who he is.
His well-ordered life is crumbling around him as yet another surprise turns up in the form of his reincarnated sister. It seems the past is swallowing him whole, forcing him to let go of previous betrayals and trust once more.
Gwen McAllister finds herself between a rock and a hard spot. Drawn to the quiet strength and confidence of Arthur. It isn’t until her memories are savagely restored by a vengeful goddess that she realizes who she is and the bitter betrayal she caused. Even her familiar, a mouthy Himalayan named Salt seems to be against her, demanding she trust the very man she destroyed with her life.
A new threat is rising, one which will plunge the world they know into darkness. To defeat an old enemy they must depend on each other and learn to forgive. A tall order and time is running out. Can they let go of the past and embrace the promise of a future or will they lose everything in the ultimate battle between good and evil?
Act!!!! Managing Writing with Everyday Life.
I know very few
authors today who don’t have the problem of completing deadlines and still
handle the demands of their everyday life. I’m no exception. Though I dream
about the day when I can spend more time writing it hasn’t happened yet. Hope
springs eternal. J
In my life
multi-tasking is a survival technique I do without thinking. My weekdays start
out at five am. I get ready and go to my day job. I am lucky enough to have an
office job that allows me to work on my stories during breaks…when I have them.
My job is a bit demanding and I can find myself doing countless tasks which are
always priority one.
My day continues
after work at four-thirty with promo for new releases and any blogs I may have
to set up for the week. Then at five-thirty, I bathe, put dinner on and prepare
what is required for the next day at work. By seven, I’m finished with dinner
talking to hubby about his day and am ready for more work. I write until ten or
ten-thirty, at which time I promptly crash.
Now, that’s in a
perfect world this routine goes without fail, but I’m also the president of my
local RWA chapter, which has demands for my time, and I’m the head organizer of
a reading event we are putting on in October called Hot Mojave Knights. Now, I
have countless Skype calls to throw into the mix.
On the weekends,
I have various meetings to go to along with a house to clean and a husband to
spend time with so I don’t normally return to my study to write until five pm.
Yet, even with the hectic schedule, I am able to get out a book at least every
six months. This year it will be more since I now work on three projects,
jumping between them writing one scene, then on to the next book, etc.… On the
weekends I usually get up at seven and don’t call it a night until three am or
so. That way, I can put in some serious word count and for a writer, it’s all
about how many words you can get onto the page for a rough draft. Second draft
is a different beast all together and takes much more diligence in honing the
story so it’s cohesive.
When working
second or final drafts I don’t sleep much as a rule needing as much time as I
can get to polish it before submitting. This is where my husband, bless his
heart, is a great help. He usually takes over some of the chores around the
house and leaves me alone so I can work.
The one thing
that keeps me sane is the fact at least I don’t have to juggle children into
the picture. I truly don’t know how they do it. My day job is demanding enough!
When I decided to make writing a career, I knew the hours and sacrifices I
would need to make to see this through to fruition. This is my business and
like any business, it takes a lot of juggling to make it work. For now, this is
what is required.
I can’t think of
anything I would rather do than write. I love what I do and that’s probably why
I don’t think about the juggling act I just find the time to create my stories.
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Growing up she was the dreamer in her family, something not always thought of as a positive thing. As a child she would draw and build stories around her pictures, so writing was a natural extension for her. Recently a family member told her that from now on she would encourage those dreamers she knew. Stating with hard work and focus dreams can come true. Shannan Albright is proof that dreaming can be a positive thing.
When not writing she spends her time between oil painting and reading. She loves writing paranormal, urban fantasy, historical and fantasy romances because of the world building and rich characters she finds. She loves dark, edgy heroes and heroines overcoming impossible odds internal and external.
She is a "hopeful" Romantic who believes a healthy relationship built on respect and a strong partnership is the key to a happy ever after.
Places to find Shannan
Places to find Beloved Wizard
Places to find The Knight's Druid
Places to find The King's Lady
Thanks for the fun post!!! Ummm... this is an awkward question!!! LOL... but I guess I'd have to say a menage ;)
Bathroom sex in a restaurant.
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