Author: Sondrae Bennett
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Lyrical Press
Release Date: May 6th, 2013
Editions Available In: E~Book

What happens when a warrior woman meets her match?
Harpy Kalindra stumbles upon three human corpses who’ve mysteriously crossed from Earth into Outremer through the portal she guards. A human prisoner with two traveling vampires seems her only clue. She captures the man, and brings him back to her lair to discover the truth–not only why he came to Outremer, but how he got past the defenses of the gate. She expects answers. What she doesn’t expect is the intense attraction she feels for him…attraction he seems to share.
Cameron has a secret. For years, he’s used a shard of the gateway to cross worlds without detection–for his own gain. When the gatekeeper saves him from the clutches of vampires who want the shard, he learns she’s not just another monster from Outremer. He can’t resist his attraction to her human form, and before long he’s feeling more than simple lust for her.
Kalindra’s gateway comes under constant attack from creatures who want what Cameron has. The assaults are his fault, but he can’t hand over the shard, which is a family legacy. He must convince Kalindra he can help defend the gate…but how?
Where did the inspiration for this story come from? What is the story behind the story so to speak?
Kalindra is my contribution to the Gatekeeper anthology (Koishi is the other story written by Annie Nicholas). The idea was that there were these gateways separating our world from the world of the paranormal, where any creature you can imagine from mythology or fantasy existed. Each of these gateways have a gatekeeper who keeps the paranormal beings from crossing over, and vice versa. And out of that idea, Kalindra was born.
Tell us about the book cover. How does it represent your book? How did you choose the artwork?
Renee Rocco over at Lyrical Press designed the cover. She’s an amazing cover artist and has done an amazing job with all of my covers. She takes the ideas I give her and makes something so much better than what I had in my head.
Where do the ideas for your books come from?
Everywhere and anywhere! Really basic things, like almost running into a wall or buying coffee at Starbucks, will inspire a scene or even a whole book. I have a notebook in each of my purses so that I always have something handy to make notes on.
Have you ever co-written book/books? If so was it difficult? If not would you ever consider co-writing with another author?
I've co-written an anthology, where each of the authors took on a book in the same world. It was a great experience, and I think I came out with a great story, but I don’t know that I’d like to do it again. So many times I’d want to break the rules we set, and that was the hardest part. That being said, if Shelly Laurenston or Nora Roberts contacted me and wanted to co-write a book, I certainly wouldn’t turn them down.
Where do you get your character names from?
A lot of the times my characters come to me with a name already, and even if I want to change it, nothing fits. But if they don’t come with a name, I will consider their age, then look up popular baby names for their birth year.
What type of research goes into your writing?
A lot of it depends on the story and what the story requires. I always joke that my search history would land me on a Watch List of some kind. While writing The Wolf Within I was looking up chemicals to knock someone out, kidnapping, car crashes, etc., for Worth Fighting For I was researching self-defense techniques. It all depends on the needs of the story.
Are your family and friends supportive of your writing?
Very. My parents especially are so supportive and proud of me, and that means so much.
Do you remember when your interest in writing came about?
I’ve always been a huge reader. Reading teleports me to a different world, and ever since I could read, I gobbled up every book in sight. Then I discovered romance novels and it all clicked for me. They’re just magical. But it wasn’t until I spent a bit of time unemployed a few years ago that I started writing consistently. And even then, it wasn’t until a romance short story contest inspired me that I considered doing it for a living. I always say I’m living proof that sometimes the best things come out of the worst, because unemployment was really disheartening, but I don’t know that I would have found this path had it not been for that time in my life, and I couldn’t be happier about writing.
Other than writing what are your interest?
Reading, weaving, knitting, theater, walking my two dogs (who are spoiled rotten).
Did you learn anything from writing your books, if so what was it?
Good question. I’ve never really thought about it before, but I guess I learn something from all of my books. All of my characters have a little bit of me in them, so it’s interesting to see different aspects of my personality and how each would behave in certain situations.
What are your current WIP? Can you share with us?
I am so excited about my current WIP. I’m writing a story, tentatively titled Bring Me To Life, about a painter who keeps dreaming of one girl throughout his life, and then he’s cursed so that all his paintings come to life but only stay in our world for a short time. It’s another paranormal romance, but it’s what I would call paranormal light. I’m not quite done with it yet, but every time I sit down to write or revise, I fall more deeply in love with the story and the two leads.
Food Hamburger and French fries (with a beer)
Color Green, or purple.
Movie Star Wars, Jurassic Park, Independence Day
Music Depends on my mood, I’ve got pretty eclectic tastes. Right now I’m on a country kick, but it varies with my mood.
This or That
Day or Night Night
Rain or Snow Rain (unless it’s around Christmas)
Facebook or Twitter Twitter
Mac or PC PC (hands down)
Coffee or Tea I can’t have both? I guess I’d go with coffee, but I’m a bit tea drinker, too.
I love romance. I love reading romance, living romance (who doesn't), but I especially love writing romance. There's no greater feeling than watching my characters come alive in each other's arms. Most of all, I love giving my characters the happily ever afters they deserve, with a little necessary drama first.
One of my favorite things is picking up a new book and sinking into the story, immersing myself in the emotions between the characters. I hope someday to inspire readers the same way my favorite authors have inspired me.
When not writing, I can usually be found curled up on the couch with a good book, taking my dogs for walks, or spending time with my family.
It always makes my day to hear from my readers.
Places to find Sondrae
Places to find Kalindra
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