Author: Sheri Fredricks
Series: The Centaurs (#1)
Genre: Paranormal Romance/Shapeshifters
Publisher: Self Published
Release Date: Aug 3 2012

Man by day, Centaur by night, Rhycious is a remedy maker who needs his own healing.
He's the royal physician, famous for his cures. War and posttraumatic stress disorder has broken his spirit, preventing him from finding true happiness. Then a direct order from the queen to investigate an uprising forces him out of his secluded cabin at the edge of the forest.
Patience is an optimistic, good-natured Wood Nymph who works as a mediator to ensure harmony within the Nymph sector.
Environmental pollution in the aquifer stream that feeds the taproot tree of her heart is slowly killing her. Resigned to the fact she will not live long, she sets out to discover the mysterious disappearance of her sister. Experience has taught her to deny herself the love of a male, but the gruff Centaur is different. He doesn't push his expectations on her, only his healing nature.
When Rhycious loses his grip on reality, he believes his inability to control his disorder will drive Patience away. Nevertheless, desire flares, and Patience draws him close. Kidnapping and betrayal turn their mythic joint venture into a deadly bout.
Will their love endure when survival hinges on trusting each other?
Where do the ideas for your books come from?
From a bottle of gin and a liter of tonic. LOL
Have you ever co-written book/books? If so was it difficult? If not would you ever consider co-writing with another author?
Though I haven’t co-authored a book, I’ve discussed it with my critique partner who is an award-winning author herself. We’ve been so busy keeping up with our own work, there hasn’t been time to talk on it more.
Where do you get your character names from?
While creating my character’s profile for Troll-y Yours, I knew I wanted a person's name that could be shortened into a nickname. I went to my handy-dandy baby name book, found one I liked, and played with the spelling until I had “Aleksander”. As for the heroine’s name, hers leapt out at me from the same book.
What type of research goes into your writing?
It depends on the character. In Book 1, Remedy Maker, the hero Rhycious is a healer. A lot of research went into homeopathic remedies. In addition, Rhy suffered from PTSD. I researched causes and effects, natural remedies for mental trauma, and spoke to someone who actually suffered with this debilitating illness.
In Book 2, Troll-y Yours, Ella, the Troll heroine, is able to see a person’s aura. In order to familiarize myself on how a clairvoyant would read an aura, I visited more than a few websites and asked a local psychic.
Are your family and friends supportive of your writing?
Brag time! I have an awesome family. My husband and two boys are very supportive of both my writing and my writing time. I think the key is to be supportive of them and conscious of their ever-changing wants and needs. I give to them, they give back tenfold.
Do you remember when your interest in writing came about?
I remember exactly when the light bulb went on! In my senior year of high school, I took a creative writing class. We were given the list of stories required and I think I wrote them all before the first month was finished. Others in class were struggling, so I helped. Which led to me writing stories for them—and they paid me for those stories! Cha-ching!
Other than writing, what are your interests?
Well, reading of course! But I also enjoy working out (which I do every morning), riding horses, watching Hubs train and compete with his border collies in sheep dog trials, and lounging at the lake with my family.
Did you learn anything from writing your books, if so what was it?
After publishing three books and winning awards, I think the most important item I came away with is everyone has an opinion. From your spouse to your kids, your crit partners and editor, and especially our reviewers—it’s important to stay true to yourself and not try to please everyone. Only an author knows her book and the way she/he wants it written.
What are your current WIP? Can you share with us?
Absolutely! I’m working on Book 3 of The Centaurs series, currently untitled. I can’t giveaway the main character, because what’s the fun in that? No hints as to what mythic creature he/she is because it has to stay a surprise and you’ll start guessing which character. Hmm, this is harder than I thought!
Okay, I’ve got it: The modern world, with all of its changes, has pushed this character’s traditions to the side. Feeling unwanted, unneeded, and disrespected by the new generations, this character must change with the times or give in to despair. However, before things go completely south, a breath of fresh air in the form of anger, obstinacy, and danger, melt a hardened heart and mend a tearing soul.
Food: Sushi!
Color: Shocking Pink
Quote: “Keep up, or get left behind”
Movie: Young Frankenstein
Music: Mozart
This or That
Day or Night: Day
Rain or Snow: Rain (the weather does neither where I live!)
Facebook or Twitter: Facebook
Mac or PC: PC
Coffee or Tea: Coffee in the AM, tea after that.
Always on the hunt for the uncommon things in life, award winning author Sheri Fredricks thrives on creating adventures in her mythological kingdom for her readers.
A former engineering secretary, Sheri lives on the beautiful central coast of California. "I wanted to move away from inflexible right angles and create an unboxed world with no boundaries." A voracious reader since her early years, Sheri found her brain crowded with stories and characters of her own. "Ultimately," she says, "my husband encouraged me to write them all down."
Sheri loves to spend time at home. A computer hutch keeps her focused on creating stories, but the panoramic view of life on a ranch will call her outside to play in the sun.
Places to find Sheri
Places to find Troll-y Yours
Great interview, Sheri! I still love this story so much!
Excellent interview!
I fell in love with centaurs after reading this book. You have a life-long fan in me!
Loved Troll-Y Yours.
I'm waiting impatiently for book 3!
Love this book and this series
Thank you, D'Ann! I appreciate you stopping by.
Aw, thank you, Brenda! Words of encouragement are always needed :)
Thank you, Kary!
Great interview. I can't wait to read this series, it sounds so interesting. :)
Wonderful interview! It's always great to learn more about you Sheri! I'm in awe of all you've done! Keep it up!!
Thank you, Andrea! Your support means so much. :)
Right back at you, Melissa! If I could follow you around for one day, maybe I could discover your secret of how to get it all done!
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