Author: Mari Suggs
Genre: YA Fantasy
Publisher: Self Published
Release Date: Aug 22 2013
Edition: eBook
Source: Author 4 Blog Tour & Honest Review

On her journey to becoming the next singing sensation, Lylah is completely stopped in her tracks when she meets William, a singer with the voice of an angel. Instantly Lylah and William are drawn to each other like magnets.
Lylah and William are both puzzled by the unbreakable bond they feel. However, days after meeting, Lylah starts to decipher exactly why they feel such a connection. She starts to see visions of the past lives they’ve lived together and what she sees in each vision breaks her heart.
After months of internal turmoil, Lylah now has a heart breaking decision to make. Does she abandon the love she can’t live without? Or, does she dismiss what she has seen and risk everything…
I loved the premise of the story with the past lives. I enjoyed Lylah's character and Williams. I loved seeing the flashes well memories of the past lives that Lylah and William had. Mari wrote with wonderful description and the emotion was so real. I enjoy romances but this one was really in the puppy love stage is seemed to me.The stage where you are all lovey lovey with each other. But knowing that they had a past it was easy to understand even if they did not at the beginning when they just felt that pull to be with each other. Mari has created a well developed main characters that you can't help to like.

Places to find Mari
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