Author: Michael Chulsky
Series: Stand Alone
Genre: Sci-Fantasy (Science Fiction/Fantasy)
Publisher: Rocking Horse Publishing
Release Date: Sept 28 2013

Seventeen-year-old bounty hunter SHADOW is about to lose his mind. One week he's killing demons and other creatures. The next, he has ten super-powered teenagers in his care. Shadow needs their help, because without them he can’t hope to complete his mission. But he’s never dealt with other teenagers before. He’s always been a loner. Heck, he’s tried the whole having-a-pet thing. It died.
Shadow’s mission: save the world and ensure his entire team survives the potential apocalypse. If MAEDARA, self-proclaimed fashionista, Queen of Evil, and diva extraordinaire wasn’t trying to rule the world, it’d be cake. Now, not only does Shadow have to deal with teens more concerned with going to the mall than fighting evil, but also a villain who, in his opinion, makes Lady Gaga look like Mother Theresa.
Looking for a Fast Paced Read with Vampires for the Younger Generation Look No Further
For this being Michael debut novel he hit it out of the park. I really enjoyed this book. I loved the setting and the characters. I loved Shadow he is half human / half vampire consider a dhampir. Shadow normally hiding in the dark protecting people from the evil that lurks about is set on a mission to save the world. He sets out to find teens with special powers to create a team to help him defeat the evil. Putting a team together and training the team is easier said than done. Will they be able to work as one to save the world or will evil win this raging battle? Michael has created a world I would love to explore again with characters well they act the age range they are in. So that is an A+ in my book. I enjoyed how the characters grew throughout and finally accepting each other for who they are. There are some really strong bonding elements that makes this a good read and teaches you at the same time to love each other for who they are.

Places to find Michael
Places to find The Descending Darkness
Congratulations on the blog tour, Michael. I loved this book and I know many will be joining me in screaming for more!
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