Author: Travis Luedke
Series: The Nightlife Series (# 1~4)
Genre: Paranormal/Erotic/Vampires
Publisher: Self Published
Release Date: July 2 2013
Edition: eCopy
Source: Author 4 Blog Tour & Honest Opinion

The Nightlife Series is violent, sexy, and occasionally violently sexy.
Vampires, strippers, escorts, nightclubs, pimps & dirty cops – the Nightlife Series is never boring.
Can decadence, corruption and prostitution go hand in hand with self-control? Over-indulgence, illegal activity and vampires lurk in darkness when night falls on the city.The Nightlife Series explores the sexy, dangerous misadventures of vampires and an interesting assortment of wickedly corrupt men and women of the night. Gangs, pimps, prostitutes, cartel, mafia, drug dealers, addicts, alcoholics, and all those wonderfully colorful people you find rubbing elbows in the back alleys, nightclubs, and strip joints.
These creatures inhabit a world of constant blood, sex, and arousal. The act of feeding is highly erotic, victims often experience multiple orgasms. A vampire’s bite is the most powerful drug imaginable, ecstasy, euphoria, and an ever-present potential for nightlife quietly, unobtrusively, until cornered. Then it gets ugly, people die. addiction. Lethally violent predators, they can cut through flesh like a hot knife through butter.
Book #1
Date: Aug 18 2012

Aaron Pilan’s life is forever changed when he’s shot trying to rescue a drop-dead gorgeous woman on the streets of New York. Aaron is thrust into the shocking world of vampiric slavery when Michelle shares her blood to save his life.
Michelle's existence as a solitary vampire is also altered when she accepts this naive young man into her life. Bound by her blood, Aaron is subject to her authority. He walks a tightrope of strictly controlled feeding regiments and intense sexual adventures while catering to the neurotic control-freak tendencies of his new master. She vows to eliminate him if he proves too difficult to control.
This story is bold and evocative, infusing blood, sex, love and turmoil in an urban drama about two vampires battling evil outside and within themselves.
Okay I will admit I was apprehensive upon starting this series. Well that feeling dissipated fast as I traversed the Gritty Streets of NY through Aaron's Eyes. Aaron a semi quite guy living with his best friend Kyle until one fateful night he encountered the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes upon. Michelle a creature of the night trying to make a living encounters two dirty cops from that moment on all of their lives are flipped up side down in a whirlwind of emotions and destruction. Travis has created wonderful characters and a world that I loved exploring. From dirty cops to extremely hot and sizzling scenes Travis Luedke will keep you compelled to read on whether through Aaron's eyes or the stunningly green eyes of Michelle you will not be able too put this book down.
Book #2
Date: Nov 17 2012

Vampires, Aaron Pilan and his master Michelle, live by one rule - no bloodslaves. EVER. Aaron breaks that rule when he meets Anastasia. All Anastasia wants is to be loved and cherished, but the predatory men she’s attracted to bring her only pain and abuse. Escaping one train-wreck relationship for another, she finds happiness with Aaron and Michelle as a bloodslave, a 'pet'.
When Aaron uses his telepathy to win thousands at the gambling tables, he attracts the deadly attention of the Colombian Cartel and Aaron and Michelle are 'disappeared'. Addicted to the bite of her vampire lovers, Ana is desperate to find them. But, Las Vegas isn't ready for vampires mixing heroin, sex and vengeance. Ana is trapped in the spiraling chaos.
WOW just when you think a series can not get any better think again. Travis has done it again he pulled me in with his vivid imagination amazing characters and the oh so delicious and sizzling scenes. Leaving NY to escape the trouble there Aaron and Michelle travel to Las Vegas {Sin City Baby} only to encounter more trouble that leads to the death of many one that will destroy the hearts of Aaron and Michelle together, but only because Aaron disobeyed the rules when he took a bloodslave, but Michelle grew to forgive and welcomed Aaron's Little Pet to the bond. From the gritty streets of NY to the desert of Las Vegas trouble is always lurking when Aaron and Michelle are around. Travis has created a menage a trois that is so sizzling hot that will leave you heated to the core.
Book #3
Date: April 30 2013

Vampire master Michelle, and her slave, Aaron Pilan, flee to Paris, leaving behind the slaughter in Las Vegas. Aaron made the costly mistake of taking a bloodslave, and then married her. The tragedy of his wife's death has driven a rift between them and Michelle is desperate to heal the breach.
Struggling with his predatory alter ego, Aaron is fractious, rebelling against his master. He desires another bloodslave, and that Michelle cannot allow. She opens her heart and soul to Aaron and he relives, through her memories, her dark, gritty tale of survival in the savagery of WWII Paris under the German occupation. Michelle's staggering revelations are deeply disturbing. The confrontation of master versus slave comes full circle as the couple faces death and separation.
And they are not alone in Paris. An investigator has followed them from Vegas seeking the unique gifts of Michelle’s blood. He’s watching and waiting for the opportunity to make his move against them.
We traveled from NY to Las Vegas from Las Vegas to Paris Michelle's Home. What trouble is lurking in the dark upon returning to Michelle's Homeland? The devastatingly horrible heartache that Aaron has encountered at the loss of his pet in the desert of Las Vegas puts is inner beast just below the skin waiting and wanting to claim another pet puts a wedge between him and Michelle. When he finally demands that Michelle tell him of her past and her wanting to keep that part of her a secret for a bit longer only drives that wedge a littler bit deeper between the Master and her Slave. Can Aaron and Michelle work through all the past trauma of Michelle's past and move on or will Michelle have to destroy the one man the she truly loves. What will happen when the secrets she has kept buried for decades comes out.
Stand Alone With Similarity to the
Nightlife Series
Date: Dec 23 2012

Her mother named her Esperanza Salvación - Hope for Salvation. But when a girl works as an escort for Colombian cartel in the ghettos of Spanish Harlem, there wasn’t much hope, or salvation.
Hope’s telepathic ability keeps her a step ahead of ruin, but her unusual gift attracts the attention of a psychotic vampire bitch. Trapped in a Manhattan penthouse with the psycho, she thought she was dead meat.
Her survival lies in the hands of Vampire Master Enrique. He seems to respect her, perhaps even care. As a measure of protection, he makes her his personal Bloodslave. Helplessly addicted to his bite, Enrique rules her every moment. As always, Hope must adapt to survive.
Swept into the decadent nightlife of Manhattan's elite, she falls in love with Enrique and prays someday he may grow to love her, too. But is it simply a relationship of convenience? Is she nothing more than a concubine desperate to satisfy his nightly demands for blood and sex?
And forever in the background is the fear that one day the cartel boss she abandoned will hunt her down to collect on old debts.
OMG okay this world that Travis has created for use to explore is dark gritty and dirty and oh so much fun to travel to. I loved this book as much as I did the 3 books that are the Nightlife Series with Aaron and Michelle. Though this one is with hope we still get all the hot sex scenes that will leave even the saints all hot and bothered. Put into prostitution at a young age living with the cartel boss Hope soon encounters Lia and her world is transformed from prostitution to bloodslave and fighting for her life. What will become of Hope.
Travis Luedke is a husband, father, and author of Urban Fantasy Thriller, Paranormal Romance, Contemporary Fantasy, Young Adult Fiction, and Sci-fi. He is currently catching a 3rd degree sunburn in San Antonio, Texas, and loving every minute of it.
As the author of the Nightlife Series novels, Travis lives very vicariously through his writings. He invites you to enjoy his macabre flights of fancy, but be warned: The Nightlife Series is violent, sexy, and occasionally violently sexy.
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Thank you so much Anna! Wonderful blog post, and awesome reviews!
And you will definitely catch a copy of Nightlife London. Working on it right now!
I really appreciate this posting, thank you!
All of these books sounds super hot! Nitty and gritty that's what I need in my reading life! Thanks for sharing Anna!
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