Author: Tempeste O’Riley
Series: Desires Entwined, #1
Genre: M/M Erotic Romance, with lite BDSM/Kink
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Release Date: July 2013
Edition/Formats Available In: Audio, eBook, Print
Artist James Bryant has forearm crutches in every color from rainbow for fun to sleek black for business. He even has a pair with more paint splatters than metal. After his family’s rejection and abuse from a man he thought loved him, James only just gets through the day by painting. He lives in constant fear that he’s not worthy of anything, let alone love.
As CEO of his company, Carrington Enterprises, Seth Burns is a take-charge kind of guy, and he is instantly smitten by the artist helping with his newest project. When he witnesses James suffer a panic attack, a protective instinct he never knew he had kicks in. He truly believes nothing is unobtainable—including James—if he’s willing to put in the time and effort.
James is shy and confused by Seth’s interest in him as a person. With Seth’s support, can he work through his fears to finally find the true love he deserves, or will someone finally land the crushing blow he won’t survive?
James allowed his gaze to wander around the entryway, taking in the welcoming setting. Noticing a worker passing through, he asked, “Excuse me. Do you know where I can find Mr. Burns?”
“Yeah, he’s in the manager’s office over there.” The man was
covered in dust. He gestured toward a closed door near a large desk, then
continued on his way. James couldn’t help looking around once more to admire
the rich wood tones, marble tiled floors, and beautiful crown molding, before
he headed off in the right direction.
Before he could knock, the door swung open and a harried looking
woman stormed out, slamming it so hard it popped back open. Maybe now isn’t
the best time, he thought and started to turn away when Mr. Burns appeared
in the doorway.
“James,” he said. “Thank God you’re here. Please tell me you
brought some ideas, before Stacey drives me to drink. She wants to start
painting but can’t until we have everything settled with the designs.”
The way Seth’s eyes pierced him made James feel both nervous
and ten feet tall at the same time. “If you have some place I can set up, sure.
I have a few designs for you to look over.” He kept wondering why they had
waited so long to employ Skye Designs. Normally you do all the branding much
earlier in the project.
Motioning down the hallway, Seth led him into a large
room—probably meant to be a conference or reception room, considering the
carpet and acoustic tiles in the ceiling. “Come in. What can I do to help?” he
asked, watching James settle into a comfortable chair before unloading his
James was nervous. He’d never had such a significant or
large account before, but he was excited as well. “We normally have the designs
approved before getting to this point, but I’ll do my best to catch up. Give me
just a minute to set up, then you can see what I have.”
“We’ll get to that in a few. I want you to finish setting up
then come with me.”
James stopped midmotion and looked up, confused. “I
thought—” He shook his head. “Never mind. Okay.”
Seth led James out of the room, into a wide hallway with
large windows spilling filtered sunlight onto the veined marble floor, and
began showing him around. Seth stayed close, so close James occasionally caught
a whiff of his intoxicating scent, something bright yet deep—cardamom and cedar
with a light musk. He wasn’t sure, but he was beginning to think just being
near Seth could become a delicious addiction.
As they exited the elevator on the second floor, James
stopped dead in his tracks. His heart beat so fast and loud he felt certain
Seth would hear it slamming into his ribs. He stared ahead and prayed he was
having a terrible nightmare. Those he could wake up from. Please!
Standing there, looking him up and down, was a phantom from
his past. Victor d’Leone was even more powerfully built than the last time he
had seen him. He stood in the hall, his arms crossed over his barrel chest,
scowling. The sea-foam green eyes James once thought so beautiful and loving
now bored holes through him. The ghosts of the last time Vic had been near him
shot pain-filled shards of memory through him. Away. Yes, he had to get
“I… I… I…,” James stammered. He scrambled back into the
elevator and almost fell when his left crutch slipped on the metal edging. He
punched the close door button repeatedly while fighting the panic attack
threatening to destroy his job and sanity. “No, no, no. Not happening,” he
He hadn’t waited for Seth to react, nor had he explained
anything; he’d just bolted. James headed toward the exit as soon as the
elevator doors opened—forget the damn presentation. He scrambled for the
steps, desperate to reach the car before he completely lost it.
Life was never that easy.
Seth appeared out of nowhere, sprinting after him in his
expensive Armani suit and custom leather shoes. “James! Stop!” he commanded.
Fighting the panic, James tried to get a hold of himself. Stop?
Is he nuts? “I can’t be here. I—I’ll come back later.” With protection!
A powerful hand grasped his right arm. Startled, he stopped.
Staring at the hand that bound him to his worst nightmare, he begged, “Please,
let me go.”
Try as he might, he couldn’t stop the panic and fear as it
suffocated him.
Tempeste O’Riley is an out and proud pansexual
gender fluid whose best friend growing up had the courage to do what she
couldn’t–defy the hate and come out. He has been her hero ever since.
Tempe is a hopeless romantic that loves strong relationships
and happily-ever-afters. Though new to writing M/M, she has done many things in
her life, though writing has always drawn her back–no matter what else life has
thrown her way. She counts her friends, family, and Muse as her greatest
blessings in life. She lives in Wisconsin with her children, reading, writing,
and enjoying life.
Tempe is also a proud PAN member of Romance Writers of America®,
Rainbow Romance Writers,
and the WisRWA. Learn more about Tempeste
and her writing at http://tempesteoriley.com.
Thanks so much for hosting me <3
What a fab-YOU-lous opportunity to serve you while on earth, girl!! I'd also looove to write many stimulating, zzAny novels with you Upstairs! Just a savvy lil' witty ditty on why we ROTE our 22 blogs:
Faith, hope, and love -
the greatest of these is love:
jump into faith...
and you'll see with love.
Doesn’t matter if you don’t believe
(what I write);
God believes in you.
God. Bless. You.
Meet me where the Son never sets…
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