Title: A Cold Hearted
Phoenix: Dark Love Episode 1
Author: Isis Sousa
Series: A Cold Hearted Phoenix
Genre: Urban Gothic
Publisher: Tragic
Release Date: April 30 2015
Edition/Formats Available In: eBook & Print
Illustrations: Characters and Ornaments Pencil Sketches
A Cold-Hearted
Phoenix is a sweet-and-sour illustrated mini-series in three episodes. It is
written in an experimental style, mixing screenwriting with prose. This book
includes 40+ illustrations and a unique layout.
In this first
episode: VIKKI, who is an authentic and successful graphic designer, breaks one
of her most sacred rules: to never date a work colleague.
Let’s watch how VIKKI’s
life turns to misery and she falls into the misadventures of a DARK LOVE.
Writing sucks. Period.
That’s why I am an artist; illustrator and graphic designer who writes in a hobby basis. Oh, wait… That’s not the “why”… I was born artist, and there is nothing I can do to change it. But with all the imagination I have running lose, there came some stories… And there came some books!
When I’m not doing artwork and illustration for authors and bands, I’m doing woodcarving, painting ornaments, painting artworks for myself, writing articles for IT’S ART MAG, collaborating with other artists and so on. Love Arts, History and Heavy Metal.
Oh, and summer is a bitch! Always. Anywhere in the world.
Places to find Isis
Places to find A Cold Hearted Phoenix
Illustrated Edition {eBook}
Illustrated Edition {Hardcover}
Illustrated Edition {Paperback}
Illustrated Edition {Hardcover}
Illustrated Edition {Paperback}
and Noble Illustrated Edition {Hardcover}
A Million (BAM) Illustrated Edition {Hardcover}
A Million (BAM) Illustrated Edition {Paperback}
Depository Illustrated Edition {Hardcover}
Depository Illustrated Edition {Paperback}
Dear Anna, thanks for the lovely book spotlight, for the excellent work with the Blog Tour :) Big cheers :D
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