Author: Kitty Thomas
Series: Standalone
Genre: Paranormal/Romance/Erotica/BDSM/Fantasy/
with SciFi Elements
Publisher: Burlesque Press
Release Date: July 14 2015
Edition: Kindle
Source: Purchased

Night lasts a thousand hours. Forty sleeps—an endless desert of time when no one cares what happens to you until day.
Helene has given up. Only concern for her sister's grave medical condition tethers her to the world she dreams of escaping through death. If only she could bring herself to end it.
Caught out at night getting medicine for her sister, Helene is captured and taken as a slave for Gabriel, the mysterious ruler of the city.
“Helene, I will take your struggle away. I will bring you back to life.”
**This work is intended for an emotionally mature adult audience.**
My Thoughts
Kitty Thomas is one one my all time favorite authors I look forward sometimes a little impatiently for the next release. She Never Disappoints. With that said let's move onto my thoughts.
Okay for the world building image a dystopian setting and introduce vampires with an amazing twist and you will have Dark Night of the Soul.
Helene a spunky and feisty human girl with the responsibility of caring for her sister Simone and dealing with the guilt that she maybe the cause of her parents death.
Gabriel Vampire King of his area and is controlling yet compassionate.
This story is not as dark as previous works and the sex scenes are well they are needed to help understand the journey Helene finds herself on of self discovery and understanding. This story and the world setting unfold slowly but are so vivid while doing so you get to see the perils both sides face and get an understanding of the world created.
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