Title: Unraveling
Author: S. P. Aruna
Series: Girl Within Girl Book 1
Genre: Erotic Thriller
Publisher: BookBaby
Release Date: Oct 15 2016
Edition ~ 1st /Formats ~ eBook

Katrina is never alone. She is bound to others inside her, tighter than any Siamese twins could ever be: Cherry, the freewheeling photojournalist, Anisa, the covert spy-assassin, and others as yet unknown, all sharing her body and mind as she goes about her work in a psychiatric hospital. But she is starting to unravel, and her sole hope is the handsome Dr. Sean Paisley, the only one who can make her whole again.
** Girl Within Girl is a dark erotic thriller that wanders through a sensual maze of manipulation and mind control. **
My Thoughts
This was an intriguing read. I liked the aspect of the character having DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) I enjoyed meeting each character Katrina and Anisa where easy to connect with though connecting to the Cherry personality was not as easy. At times I felt a little lost but in the end I am intrigued enough that I cannot wait to see how this series plays out. All in all I find this to be an interesting read with enough mystery and intrigue to keep you turning the page.
Chapter 1 - KATRINA
That morning, April 11, 2016, could very well have been a
turning point in my life, the morning I awoke and didn't know where I was, and
even more frightening, who I was.
In my bed, I was rising out of a foggy void that separated
dreams from drowsy wakefulness, when, in a flash of alarm, I bolted upright to
sit up, frantically looking around me. I could almost hear the whirring of the
cogs in my head as my mind searched its recesses for the answers. My
surroundings slowly focused into a scene of familiarity: my Hemnes six-drawer
dresser, my Morvik wardrobe with the full-length mirror, the Gaugin print
hanging on the white stucco wall just beside it; the cream-colored low-pile
carpeting covering the floor up to my bathroom door, and the window to my left
adorned with the lace curtains I had bought at Jack's Second Hand Furniture.
My name is Katrina. I'm in my apartment. I think it's a
I got out of bed and stepped over to the full-length mirror
with a curious urge to examine myself. The first thing I noticed was my dirty
blonde hair flowing in waves to my shoulders. With my not-too-wide forehead I
have no quarrel with, but my bushy eyebrows get away from being too distracting
only because of the fair hair. My eyes though, I hate them, cold and grey, even
spooky, making me look away for a moment.
But then I had to look again. My sharp nose, like a bird's beak, pointed at
me from the reflection. Nondescript lips told me that I was plain. My pointed
chin only bolstered that impression.
Yet my body wasn't too bad: softly sloping shoulders, my
breasts the shape of delicate bowls, a waist that flared into wide hips, and
legs that were shaped into long perfect curves. And why shouldn't my body be so
ideal, after all I'm only...I'm only...shit...twenty-three...twenty-four?
My surname is Novak. In Czech that means, "The New
One." That's what somebody told me once.
I turned abruptly and went into my kitchenette, hoping that
a cup of coffee could bring me to a more functional state. While brewing it, I
fell into an instinctual routine mode, somehow intuiting that I had to be at
work by nine.
I'm a nurse at a psychiatric hospital.
That's not exactly a pleasant job, I agree. Even the
building I work in, the Gottlieb Memorial Institute, is spooky in its Gothic,
horror castle type architecture: roughly hewn grey stone capped by roofs that
slanted at ridiculously sharp angles; and yes, I mean more than one roof, each
corner having its own tower-like extension melding into the main one, each
pointing like spikes into the sky. Inside
is not much better; with the reception room painted a drab grey, and the
corridors leading to those unfortunate souls interned within enveloped in white
ceramic tile and neon strip lights. The place was noisy as well: shrieks and
moans always serving as a background clamor which we staff regularly ignored.
But still, I like my job because it fills me with the satisfaction that I'm
doing something meaningful.
Entering the hospital, I faced the day with stoic
I'm a Cambodian woman
of mixed blood, married to an aspiring author, and of course he had something
to do with my idea to write entertaining fiction. We live in a little green
house in the countryside in southern Cambodia. No kids yet, but we're working
on it.
I live on a large plot of land and I enjoy taking care of my
trees, plants, and flowers. I also love embroidery, stitching to make beautiful
pictures. It's very meditative for me. And then I frame them and put them all
over the walls of my house, which drives my husband crazy.
I'm a newbie when it comes to being an author, but being an
avid reader with eclectic tastes (I enjoy reading just about any genre as well
as non-fiction) has helped me in my plunge to write commercial fiction. Since I
love erotic thriller type films, I decided to write an erotic thriller series.
I like the challenge of devising a strong plot to embed my sexy scenes.
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