
Deamhan by Isaiyan Morrison w/ #Giveaway

Monday, September 4, 2017

Title: Deamhan
Author: Isaiyan Morrison
Series: Deamhan Chronicles (#1)
Genre: Adult/Paranormal/Urban Fantasy/Dark Fiction
Publisher: Self Published
Release Date: Aug 12 2013 (1st Edition) May 9 2015 (2nd Edition)
Formats Available In: eBook & Print
Deamhan have survived by remaining hidden in the shadows. Ramanga, Lamia, Metusba, and Lugat have been overshadowed by what humans know as the modern vampire. But what if vampires aren't the real threat?
One woman's search for her mother who disappeared without a trace on the streets of Minneapolis takes her into the precarious world of Deamhan, psychic vampires who rule the underground nightlife in the city's most darkest corners.
She gains the trust of the only other human familiar with the Deamhan lifestyle. With his help she finds not only can the Deamhan not be trusted but it’s her own father, president of a ruthless organization of researchers, who has diabolically maintained that distrust.

A veteran of the Armed Forces, Isaiyan Morrison was born and raised in Minneapolis.
Her passions include writing, reading, and researching historical events. She also spends her time gardening, playing video games, and hanging out with her three cats and beloved Pitt bull.

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Other Works by Isaiyan Morrison
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These books are the main books in the Deamhan Universe.
Deamhan (#1)
Deception (#3)
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These novellas are side stories involving different characters in the main Deamhan Universe.
Kei. Family Matters ~ Deamhan Tales (#1)/ Deamhan Chronicles (#1.5)
Ayden. Deamhan Minion ~ Deamhan Tales (#2)/ Deamhan Chronicles (#2.5)
Hallie. A Tit for A Tat ~ Deamhan Tales (#3)/ Deamhan Chronicles (#3.5)
(Newsletter Subscription ONLY Title)
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These books explore the histories of certain characters in the Deamhan Universe.
(Can Be Ready At Any Point in the Series)
Maris (#1)
Standalone Titles
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