Title: Steamy Fairy Tales ~ Collection One Author: MaryLynn Bast Series: Steamy Fairy Tales Genre: Fantasy Romance Publisher: Werewolf Tails Publishing Formats It Will Be Available In: Ebook & Print Number of Pages: 110 Word Count: 16,626
Welcome to Read Between the Lines. Get reviews from the most awesome indie and up and coming authors.
I love to read. Mostly Dark Romance but I do love a variety genres from Contemporary - Paranormal, whether it is Adult or New Adult and SOME YA (extremely picky on YA titles) and all of its sub genre, but I do read a variety of things some of which will be Erotic/Erotica and all of it's sub genres (one of my new found loves). So please beware that not all the reviews on my blog will be suitable for younger eyes!! Some of the most recent I like to read is Steampunk and Dystopian. Sci-Fi is NOT One of My Preferred Genres So I will be extremely picky with this genre.
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My Ratings!
Out of This World AMAZING
I absolutely loved it! Obsessed with this ah~may~zing book & I recommend it!
Loved it! Borderline Obsessed & Recommend it!
I liked/loved it! It was an awesome read & I recommend it!
I liked it! This is a book I suggest checking out!!
It was a good read!
It was ok! It had redeeming factors.
It was so so. But NOT for me.
Definitely NOT for ME! :( but I finished it.
I truly HATE doing this but, I could not even finish it. :(
Welcome to Read Between the Lines. We are starting a Blog Tour Services "RBTL Book Promotions" so that we can help you get your books recognized. You may say Why A Blog Tour this is why
Stand Out – Thousands of Books are published a year and with online sites self-publishing has never been easier. You want to stand out from the pack!
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What is a Blog Tour?
Online book promotion is effective due to dedicated Bloggers who post book reviews. Most online bloggers do this out of a passion they have for reading and already have a dedicated following.
Bloggers host Interviews, Guest Posts, Author Spotlights, Giveaways, Reviews, Excerpts and more. Each of these give you as an author a chance to reach prospective readers.
My job at RBTL Book Promotions is to set you up with only the best Blog Sites for your book. A Blog Tour is a lasting marketing effort. Bloggers will keep your Review, Interview, etc. in their archive which will give you future exposure.
Why RBTL Book Promotions?Cost effective - Compared to other Blog Tour’s RBTL Book Promotions is an affordable choice.
Stress Free – Apart from sending in your book information, interview answers, and guest posts, you don't have to lift a finger.
Promotion – We not only screen and set up tour stops for you, we promote the blog tour itself.
Customization –The blog tour is customized to meet your specific wants and needs, taking your opinions into consideration..
Communication – We are available to answer any questions or concerns you have at any time! This is your Book Tour and our goal is to help you in any way we can!