Title: Fifty Shades of Truth
Author: Josef
Series: Stand Alone
Genre: Autobiography
Publisher: Fontaine Publishing Group
Release Date: June 7 2015
Edition/Formats: eBook
Fifty Shades of Truth is the true story of a man who, for over sixty years, led a double life.
Josef was a husband, a businessman, a friend, but he was also a man hopelessly addicted to sex and all things sexual in nature. Stemming from an assignment his therapist gave him, this book explores the many aspects of sex that are hidden and looked-down upon. Josef's life was a rollercoaster, littered with massage parlors, mistresses, transsexuals and gay encounters. The things that happened to Josef, most people would find horrifying, twisted, or at least strange. But Josef loved every bit of it. Loved it so much that he continued lying to his wife and everyone he knew for 60 years.
Parts of Josef's story are very confronting, but Fifty Shades of Truth is a wonderfully entertaining, sometimes humorous, sometimes shocking, sometimes challenging, but always entertaining account of this man's life. Many other men can only fantasize about some of the things he has experienced.
… a dark journey into the Light