Hello ladies and gents, Áine here. Let me start by thanking all the great blogs that have graciously allowed me to take over their sites for this special event.
So, what’s so special about today? It’s the official release day for Blood Marked from Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly Publishing! I’ve got the first chapter of Blood Marked for you, along with a little about the story, and even a giveaway for two lucky commenters.
There’s also a special treat for you all tomorrow. The release party! Yep, tomorrow from 2 pm CST until 5 pm CST you can stop by the Facebook event to win prizes, get more excerpts, and just plain have fun. (
click here to join the event)
First, let me start by sharing the book that started it all,
Blood’s Voice.

Blood’s Voice is a new adult, LGBT, fade to black,
paranormal romance set in modern-day USA, and chronicles the lives, loves, and adventures of Mistress Anya, a unique and powerful vampire with no memory, and
her loves, one
another vampire and the other...
a natural-born vampire hunter.
Blood’s Voice, House Millar book 1 is available through Amazon, both as an
ebook and in
The House Millar is an unusual family of vampires. Not only do they refuse to hunt and kill humans, but they are led by a vampire with no memory of who she is, how she became a vampire, or what her powers can do. Of the three issues, it’s the last that’s the true problem for her.
She’s also hunted by one of the Elder Houses, sought after by others of her kind to use as a weapon, as she tried to bond her little ragtag family together, protect the humans and vampires within, and learn how to deal with the cravings of her body, both the lust for blood and her loves.
Now, that sounds interesting, doesn’t it? Of course it does! In Blood Marked, the triad—Anya, Nicholas, and Declán—move forward as a House and as a family, though things never go as hoped. Between Anya’s past, Declán’s very existence, and Nicholas’s jealousy, Anya’s got more than enough problems. Then add her ex, a new rival, and a group of human, wannabe hunters, and things quickly hit a boiling point.
Now, you might ask how I came up with the story or maybe it’s the names that you’re curious about. Maybe it’s why I love vampires or why mine are gentle instead of the hunters they’re meant to be. For those answers, you’ll have to tune in for the little tour I have planned starting next week ;)
As for the other, oft asked question of late... Will there be more, and when...? Yes, this is much more to come in the House Millar series. In September, you will find a short in the Hope and Love Anthology (100% of proceeds go to support the MKE LGBT Community Center in Milwaukee, WI). In February, Glamour Blade comes out and will be the first in the series not from Anya’s POV. Later in 2015 Soul Blade will follow, which is the sequel to Glamour Blade.
So for those who already love, or will soon love, my unorthodox spin on vampires, don’t worry, you will have many more journeys with the quirky, deadly, and fiercely protective House Millar and their friends!
And now... Meet the book of honour: Blood Marked!
With their romance only beginning to take root, the trio, Anya, Nicholas and Declán set forth to enrich their fledgling relationship. Having survived the explosive consummation should have set forth a downtime of sorts, instead, near death tragedies strike all around.
That should have been the worst of it, but toss the green-eyed monster of jealousy and all bets are off that anyone will survive the fire consuming them all.
Can Anya protect her lovers, find peace within herself, and lead the House Millar from tragedy to peace? Or will those waiting in the wings to strike them down win?
Come take a walk with our loving family and witness the strange turns and twists as life, love, and passions collide with greed, politics, and evil.
Áine P Massie is originally from Florida, she now lives in Wisconsin where she works on her House Millar series full-time while raising four children (the term herding cats comes to mind). Her major in College was Childhood Education (specializing in ages zero to five) with a minor study in Deaf Culture/ASL. She is also a Wiccan priestess dedicated to the gods, family, and love.
Áine is a proud member of the Rom-Critters, the
Romance Writers of America®,
Celtic Hearts Romance Writers, and
Rainbow Romance Writers. Áine has always had a particular fascination with vampires, mythology, and the unusual. When she can escape from her children and books, she enjoys
. . .
oh yes, reading, playing, ritual, a good cappuccino, and working with her healing stones.
Her first published work came in high school where she was part of a writing and drama group. However, she’s been reading the likes of Shakespeare and Poe since late elementary school and enjoys most forms of fiction.