Author: Tiffany Carmouche
Series: The Alaskan Heart Saga
Genre: Contemporary Romance/Suspense
Publisher: C & C Legacy
Release Date: Oct 1 2012

“Alaska? Who goes to Alaska?” Escaping an abusive ex boyfriend, Nicole, a struggling young single-mother, convinces her best friend to travel to a place she knows little about, in search of better life.
Nicole is scared of getting hurt again, but Dylan’s chiseled body and chocolate brown eyes captivate her. And soon she finds herself in the arms of the sexy lead singer.
In Alaska, she discovers the power of friendship and true love and begins to let down her guard. But is her security a facade? Soon Nicole’s innocent beauty taunts a sinister man, and she is caught in a web of deception and danger. She realizes someone she trusts has been stalking her. Petrified, she wonders, how can she escape? Miles of wilderness surround her. She hears something. Someone is there. Should she cry for help or stay silent?
Will she be saved or will she be hunted?
Title: Obsession and Sacrifice (#2)
Author: Tiffany Carmouche
Series: The Alaskan Heart Saga
Genre: Contemporary Romance/Suspense
Publisher: C & C Legacy
Release Date: Feb 11 2013

Obsession and Sacrifice is the second book in a romantic trilogy about unexpected love and a woman's fight for survival.
When Nichole wakes up in the hospital room from a coma, she has no memory of who she is or how she got there. Only the scars on her body reveal some horrific event took place and she is lucky to be alive…alive…but could she still be in danger?
Her only hope to rediscover her past and avoid a killer's obsession lies in the hands of two men: sexy Dylan, her boyfriend, who used to captivate her and now prays she will remember how much they cared for one another, and Bradley, her charming best friend, who has secretly loved her all along. She feels safe around both men, but to her, they are strangers. Nicole must decide who to trust, not only with her heart, but with her life.
They are rivals--both men want to win her love. But they are allies as well. The two vow to give her a second chance at life and both will sacrifice everything to make sure she survives.
Title: Becoming Invisible (#3)
Author: Tiffany Carmouche
Series: The Alaskan Heart Saga
Genre: Contemporary Romance/Suspense
Publisher: C & C Legacy
Release Date: Aug 26 13

Becoming Invisible is the third book in a New Adult series about finding unexpected love and a woman’s fight for survival.
When fire consumes the Carlisle’s home and an obsessed serial killer continues to hunt Nicole and her family, Dylan and Bradley realize the only way to keep them alive is to help them become… invisible.
Where do the ideas for your books come from?
The Impostor, A Love story began as my story. I had escaped an abusive relationship and went to Alaska to begin my life over again. While I was there a sick man took and interest in me and I had to escape the stalker. But then my muse created Dylan and my suspense became a love story. My muse is pretty sassy. She is the one in charge.
Have you ever co-written book/books? If so was it difficult? If not would you ever consider co-writing with another author?
I am working on a book called Out of the Shadows. It is a collective anthology about women who have broken away from the cycle of abuse and are starting their life over. It is a project I began because of something I had gone through and have found so many women share the same pain. I am hoping we will be able to at least help on woman realize that there is life after abuse. If any of your readers would like to be part of the book they should PM me and email me at They can write a poem, describe what they went through, or make a graphic, or even just send in a quote. I am currently collecting submissions.
Where do you get your character names from?
I just used names that I liked…
What type of research goes into your writing?
I do a lot of research. My favorite is when I am interviewing someone who works in criminal justice over bubble tea, to get in the head of my serial killer. There is nothing like talking about the methods of hunting a victim while the surrounding people wonder if you are planning a murder for real.
Are your family and friends supportive of your writing?
Yes and no! Some very much so. Others not at all…
Do you remember when your interest in writing came about?
I was always encouraged to be creative but I think the first time I identified myself as a writer was in 5th grade. My teacher Mr Kuykedall got a poem I had written published and he gave me a blank journal to fill before the end of school when he saw my love for writing. Teachers really can make a difference!
Other then writing what are your interest?
I love sculpting, dancing, traveling, spending time with my girls, and love the outdoors! Especially in the fall! It is magical!
Did you learn anything from writing your books, if so what was it?
I learned how much I love my muse! And how amazing my fans are! I truly have the best fans EVER!! I am learning auto spell check is from the devil and that I will never stop writing again… it is in my blood And I have learned that writing is more than just writing! All of a sudden you have to wear 100 hats you never knew existed before
What are your current WIP? Can you share with us?
I just released Becoming Invisible, the third book in The Alaskan Heart Saga. I am currently working on the fourth book. I am hoping to get it out in late fall.
I love Ceviche! It is an Ecuadorian seafood yumminess!
I love hot pink and black
By Marianne Williamsonfrom “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are younot to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
I love The Guardian, Braveheart, What’s Your Number, (Chris Evans) and the list goes on and on!
I love the Goo Goo Dolls, Second Hand Serenade, Marina Desiree, and so much more.
This or That
Day or Night
Both!!! Sorry If you had said morning or night… I would have said night! But sunny afternoons are awesome!
Rain or Snow
Again both! I love rainstorms and jumping in mud puddles and just the sound of them. But I love a good snow! Maybe that is one reason… it is the Alaskan Heart Saga
Facebook or Twitter
Facebook! I haven’t gotten use to twitter yet… I use it but not well I love spending time with all my friends, fans and family on facebook!!
Mac or PC
PC or notebook or crayon… whatever I can get a hold of when my muse strikes
Coffee or Tea
Coffee with lots of cream and sugar or Almond bubble tea.
Best Selling Author Tiffany Carmouche has been given the title, The Queen of The Cliffhanger and Best Unknown Author You Need to Discover. When Tiffany Carmouché is not writing suspenseful romance novels, you can find her sculpting, traveling, teaching, singing, dancing, escaping in music or enjoying her family.
From skydiving in Alaska to scuba diving in Hawaii, Carmouché has traveled the world seeking adventure and it is apparent in the books she writes. Her adventures include riding camels in Africa, swimming under the stars in Puerto Rico, dancing salsa in Ecuador, and walking the cobblestone roads of Assisi, Italy. She has also found fulfillment working with the disabled and orphans in Argentina and Mexico. Her most cherished moments, however, have been watching her two beautiful daughters grow and strive to accomplish their own dreams.
Despite all of these amazing experiences, she has survived many struggles. There was a time she felt defeated, but now she is recommitted to savoring experiences both in the novels she writes and in the life she lives each day. Her secret hope is that anyone who is struggling will realize there is a light at the end of the tunnel and no matter how hard the fight, no matter how many times they have been knocked down, it is always worth staggering up to their feet and learning to breathe again. Please visit my author page at
Places to find Tiffany
Places to find Impostor
Places to find Obsession and Sacrifice
Places to find Becoming Invisible