Title: Prince of Darkness (Book 1)
Author: Beth Ann Masarik
Series: The World Among Us
Genre: Mature YA/Urban Fantasy/Romance
Publisher: Hydra Publications
Release Date: Summer 2013 (exact date TBA)
Hades is hell-bent on taking over the world, but in order to do so, he has to remove his nemesis, Gaia from power. But one thing stands in the way and she goes by the name of Selene.
Cue Damien, son of Hades and Persephone. He happens to be in love with Selene, and will stop at nothing to make sure that she is safe even though their love is forbidden. Furious with his son’s treachery, Hades tricks Damien into killing the only woman that he has ever loved. He does so by telling Damien that he will spend the rest of his eternal life in the Fields of Asphodel if he does not prove his loyalty. Torn between his un-beating heart and his family, Damien does the only thing a true demon prince knows how: killing those closest to him.
Will Damien follow through with his father’s evil scheme? Or will he be banished to the Fields of Asphodel for his treachery?
Ann Masarik is a Young Adult author and writer, indie publisher, and youth
advocate. She writes Young Adult fantasy and urban fantasy novels that are
mostly about forbidden romance and have some sort of magical creatures in them.
Her debut novel, The World Among Us: Prince of Darkness was first published
with Otherworld Publications. Unfortunately, OWP closed on December 31, 2012,
and the book is no longer available. However, she has signed with Hydra
Publications, and it will be released sometime in 2013. You can visit her author website at
www.bethannmasarik.com and the series website at www.theworldamongussaga.com for more
details on my publishing adventures.
As a youth advocate, she, along with her new husband, is one
of the adult coordinators of the Our Lady of Fatima youth group that is
supported by the current pastor and the parents of the kids in the group.
In addition to writing, she also publishes a bi-monthly
e-zine called Literary Lunes Magazine. It is offered as a free black and white
e-copy and also offers a low-cost full colored paperback copy of each
issue. For more information, please
visit the magazine website at www.literarylunespublications.com
Places to find Beth