
Spotlight Stutter Creek by Ann Swann

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Title: Stutter Creek
Author: Ann Swann
Genre: Fiction, Romantic, Suspense
Publisher: 5 Prince Books
Release Date: June 1, 2013

She went looking for an old flame and found a serial killer instead.

When Beth lost her father to cancer and her husband to another woman, she didn’t know where to turn.  So she retreated to the family cabin at Stutter Creek.  Some of the best times of her life were spent at that cabin.  That’s where she met her first crush, a boy named John.  But that was many years ago . . . could he possibly still be around?  Or would she find something sinister instead?

Ann Swann is the author of All For Love, a contemporary love story published by 5 Prince Publishing.  She is the author of Stevie-girl and the Phantom Pilot, and Stevie-girl and the Phantom Student, tales of the supernatural.  She has also written numerous award winning short stories.  She lives in West Texas with her husband and their rescue pets.  She loves libraries and book stores and owns two different e-readers just for fun.  Her to-be-read list has taken on a life of its own.  She calls it Herman.

Release Day Blitz Breathe Me by Alexia Purdy

Friday, May 31, 2013
Title: Breathe Me
Author: Alexia Purdy
Genre: Contemporary Romance/New Adult
Publisher: Lyrical Lit. Press
Release Date: May 31

Piper Sandervale never thought she’d see Sasha Koval ever again. Not since he took her heart, ripped it out and obliterated it from existence. Now, six years have passed and she has run into him once more at the local fairgrounds in Las Vegas. He desperately wants another chance, and he’d do anything to get her back. She’s willing to give him a taste of his own medicine, if this is her chance for payback. But, will she find herself way in over her head?
Something has changed with Sasha and Piper struggles to justify the worth of past hurts to continue her quest for atonement.


STANDING ON THE slick, damp rocks smoothed over by centuries of wind tossed waves, my heart stopped. Piper wore nothing but her swimsuit and the temperature was cool enough to make our noses blush pink. Hunger lingered in her eyes, making my own desire burn through me, the frigid air forgotten in the heat of a deep ache and longing pummeling me unexpectedly. I ran to her, embracing her thin frame and attempted to stifle the goose bumps flaring across her skin. We were on vacation on one of my favorite beaches of the Oregon coast. A place to forget the insanity of college life.
The alcove was a small private beach, free from any barrage of tourists. Leading her over the mess of rocks and sand to the blanket I had set out for our picnic, I carefully cradled her body as we slipped down onto it, our lips devouring each other’s until they felt downright bruised. Hers were bright pink, full and swollen from my assault as I explored them. Our skins had turned from frozen to searing, the wind all but forgotten except for toying with the ends of her long brown hair with unseen fingertips. It lay fanned out underneath us, a warm pillow for her head.
I’d never met anyone like Piper. She was the vision of my dream woman, the one I never knew I had wanted; always spontaneous and filled with a vibrant life force so few possess. I reached over and undid the ties to her bikini, raking my fingers down her sides, desperate to devour every last bit. She was soft and her curves supple against the hard rocks pressing on us. We didn’t care, we were lost to the world. We could’ve jumped up and rushed into the aged beach house a few yards away, where the fire burned warm and the bed creaky but comfy, yet even that was not a concern. All that mattered was kissing her, everywhere, everyplace in every way to make sure some sort of fiery warmth caressed the cold away and our wanting satisfied.
Shivering from my touch, she opened her hooded eyes, glazed with lust and most definitely matching my own. Her fingers curled around my blonde hair, as she whispered my name “Sasha…” before her voice ebbed away and my lips found hers once more. It was there that I gave away my heart, before all the wrong snaked into our lives back home. Before all the flighty decisions and selfishness had sent us spiraling into oblivion, leaving us broken. I wanted it back, all the ‘before’ and ‘once upon a time’s’. I still did, now more than ever before. Salvaging our hearts made me determined, it was the only way either of us could really live again.

Alexia currently lives in Las Vegas, Nevada–Sin City! She loves to spend every free moment writing or playing with her four rambunctious kids. Writing has always been her dream and she has been writing ever since she can remember. She loves writing paranormal fantasy and poetry and devours books daily. Alexia also enjoys watching movies, dancing, singing loudly in the car and Italian food.

Liebster Award From Sandra Bunino

Wednesday, May 29, 2013
I was nominated for the Liebster Award.
This is my first time winning this award but I was told it is a lot of fun because you get to learn a little about the person offering the nomination and then get to share a piece of yourself.

An Awesome Author and Friend , Sandra Bunino, nominated me for this awesome award. Thanks, hun!

Sandra is the awesome writer of The Satin Rose Experience Series and Marooned with the Millionaire 

Here are the Liebster Award rules.  No one is required nor obligated to do any or all of the following to accept the award…

Post the award on her/his blog.
Thank the nominator and link back to his or her blog.
Write 11 random facts about yourself.
Answer 11 questions about yourself that the nominator has asked.
Nominate 11 fellow bloggers.
Make up 11 original questions for your nominees to answer.
So, here we go.


I am a Book Whore LOL (I have over 2000 print books in my home not counting the books on the 3 kindles and the 1 nook in the house I basically have a mini library)
I love to sing mostly to rock music though (Nirvana Rocks)
I wanted to go to school for Graphic Arts was accepted actually but things did not go my way :(
I will be married for 15 years come this November to the love of my life
I have a daughter named Schadoh and a stepdaughter named Kaitlin
Okay this may come as a shock so brace yourself Huckleberry Finn is my favorite childhood read
I have two cats though I do not think they realize they are cats we treat them like kids and they act like dogs      at times they're a little confused LOL
My favorite color is blue, black and purple (with blue being the top fave)
I Love Football Oakland Raiders is My Favorite Team
I love creating things in photoshop (still learning)
I love Chai Tea


If you were stuck on a remote island with food, water and shelter what’s one personal possession you'd want to have with you?  Well since it can be only one thing my Kindle it has over a 1000 books on it.
What is the best thing you ever ate? Shrimp & Scallops in Vodka Sauce served over Penne Pasta
What’s your favorite amusement park ride? Roller Coaster I love the thrill of the ride :D
What’s your favorite song? Come As You Are by Nirvana 
What’s the craziest thing you've ever done? Cliff Diving 
What are you passionate about? My Family and of course Reading 
What’s your guilty indulgence? Strawberries dipped in Chocolate
Where were you born? Maryland
Heels or flats? At one time heels but now flats I have bad knees 
Beach or mountains? Both I want the best of  both worlds
Summer or Winter? Winter but I actually prefer Fall


Close Encounters With The Night Kind
Fictional Candy
Readers Confession
The Many Muses of MaryLynn
Welcome To Larissa's Bookish Life
Susan's Wicked Writings
Recent Reads
A Little Bit of R&R
Indy Book Fairy
Confessions of the Paranormal
Alexia Purdy's Blog

okay now I want to learn a little bit about you….MY 11 QUESTIONS TO THE NOMINEES:

If you were stuck on a remote island with food, water and shelter what’s one personal possession you’d want to have with you?
What is your favorite food?
What’s your favorite color?
What’s your favorite genre?
What’s the craziest thing you've ever done?
What are you passionate about?
What’s your guilty indulgence?
Where were you born?
Barefoot or Shoes?
Snow or Rain?
Favorite Season?

Review Hybrid Rh Factor by Claudia Modie

Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Title: Hybrid Rh Factor
Author: Claudia Modie
Series: Hybrid Series (#1)
Genre: SciFi
Publisher: Self Published
Release Date: Mar 7 2011
Edition: Kindle
Source: Purchase


After being cut off from the world by her abusive mother and forced to shoulder responsibilities no seventeen year old should be burdened by, Olivia meets Bobby, and everything changes. Her life begins to spin out of control, and within months Olivia finds out she is pregnant.
This unexpected development forces Bobby into reliving his past, his own alien engineered birth. As he struggles to convince the young virgin to go through with the pregnancy, Olivia reconciles with the terrifying knowledge that she has been abducted, and is now incubating what she views as a creature. But despite her apprehensions, she cannot bring herself to terminate the life of the unwelcome parasite growing in her body.


Susan Griscom is having a giveaway on Goodreads!!!! She has extra copies of the original cover of REFLECTIONS up for grabs.

Goodreads Book Giveaway


by Susan Griscom

Giveaway ends June 07, 2013.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter to win
Can’t wait for the contest to end? I also have copies at a discount for sale for those who can't wait.  Brand new original covers, signed for only $6.00 each. Just follow this link and scroll to the third book down.

Blog Tour KickOff Review The Secret Seekers Society and The Beast of Bladenboro by J.L. Hickey

Monday, May 27, 2013

Title: The Secret Seekers Society and the Beast of Bladenboro
Author: J. L. Hickey
Genre: YA/Fantasy/Paranormal
Publisher: Self Published
Release Date: Dec 31 2012
Edition: Kindle
Source: Author for Blog Tour and Honest Review

Secret Seekers Society and the Beast of Bladenboro follows the young protagonists Hunter Glenn, and Eliza Lynn through an adventure ripe with adversity, paranormal monsters, secret societies, and most haunting of all, a life without their parents.
It all happened one fall afternoon when they learned that their parent’s plane had gone down overseas, never to be seen again.
The book follows the siblings as they are dropped off at their new guardian’s home, an ancient and creepy mansion known only as the Belmonte Estate. Here they unravel the secrets of their parent’s true identities, the origin of the mysterious Mansion, and their inheritance into an ancient secret society of monster hunters known as Seekers

Spotlight Feeling Death by D.T. Dyllin

Feeling Death #1
Expected publication: May 27th 2013 by Dragonfairy Press 
 ***Genre - Adult Paranormal Romance. 

Samantha Bevans is having the best sex of her life—but it's not with her husband. Fortunately for her marriage, the affair is all in her mind. Isn't it? As an empath, she senses other people's emotions. But her connection to the man with the chiseled face and haunting eyes seems so real.

There's no time for fantasies with a serial killer loose in Pittsburgh. The killer is targeting dancers at a strip club where Samantha used to bartend, back when drugs were the only cure for the torment of her abilities. As a member of a special task force, Samantha uses her talents to sense the victims’ final thoughts. Just when she thought the case was complex enough, she discovers one of the victims was thinking about her fantasy man when she died.

Who can Samantha trust when she can’t trust her own mind? An empath feels the emotional environment around her…and Samantha is surrounded by death.

Buy Links

About the Author

Cynical-Optimist. Chocolate-holic. Sarcasm Addict. Paranormal Believer. Self-Imposed Insomniac. Sci-Fi Geek. Animal Lover. Writer…are just a few words to describe D.T. Dyllin. She was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and now lives in Nashville, Tennessee with her husband and two very spoiled GSDs.